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How do you change graphics?

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If you're referring to OpenTTDs 32bpp graphics set, no that does not exist for OpenRCT2 - it still relies on graphics from the original game. If you're talking about some kind of upscaling algorithm, that has been tried, but, the only upscaling option present in the official release is nearest neighbour (which won't make it look less pixellated, but does allow you to make the display larger, useful for high resolution monitors).

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Ok, thank you. I just realized that my original post is really confusing. I completely forgot the name but when i looked back, I finally realized that the name was base graphics. I meant to ask if we could have something like zBase on OpenRCT2. Anyways, thanks for clarifying! I'm sure i'll be able to deal with pixel graphics.

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19 hours ago, X7123M3-256 said:

but, the only upscaling option present in the official release is nearest neighbour (which won't make it look less pixellated, but does allow you to make the display larger, useful for high resolution monitors).

That is not quite correct. It uses NN for integer scales (so 2x, 3x, ...), but it uses either Smooth Nearest Neighbour or Linear scaling for any non-integer scales (e.g. 1.5x 1,75x, ...).

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