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Peeps Can't Find Park Exit after Moving it in Sandbox Mode

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I think I’ve actually got the same problem with the park entrance location after moving it a while back. If I tap the park entrance icon in the toolbar the park mgmt window shows the empty tile where the entrance used to be, but if I tap on the new entrance the window shows the updated location.

Would you be able to walk us through how to do this?

Posted (edited)

Sure. Assuming you're on windows and have followed the steps on GitHub to compile the project, just do the following:

  1. Run the game from Visual Studio (F5) and open the park, preferibly with Debug configuration, to prevent issues with breaking in code that has been optimized away.
  2. Pause execution (F12, or Ctrl+Alt+Break when focused on Visual Studio)
  3. In the watch window, add the entry "gParkEntrances"
    • If the symbol cannot be found, put a breakpoint anywhere in the main loop
  4. For each entry (there are four), check the X and Y coordinates. They are saved as products of 32 - a position of 2304 means a coordinate of 72. If they are coordinates to an entrance not longer on the map, set the X value to -32768 (0x8000). This will make the game recognize the entry as "no entrance".

Here's an example of how it may look. The second entry's location was at x:3136, y:768 (x:98, y:24). If this entrace was removed, setting the X to -32768 will make the game think it's no longer there.


Edited by Broxzier
  • Like 3

@Broxzier thanks for the instructions! I'll try it when I get home from work. I have not compiled the project, but I should be able to figure it out hopefully. If not, I'll be back here to bug you some more... =)

Also, note to others. DO NOT USE THE TILE INSPECTOR TO DELETE A PARK ENTRANCE (I'm assuming you had the same issue, right @hpg?). That's what I believe caused this mess for me originally. Make sure you delete using the sandbox mode. I was using an invisible park entrance and couldn't figure out how to delete it by right clicking... last night finally figured out that if you lower the ground beneath it, it has wooden supports that you can click on. The tile inspector is great, don't get me wrong, but it's a great way to royally screw a park up as well.

Posted (edited)

I moved the entrance in sandbox mode, but I think I did wind up removing the previous entrance with the tile inspector as I couldn't find another way to remove the old entrance.

Unfortunately I am on a Mac, and I actually just deleted my Windows partition last night because I needed the space for a video project while my desktop is out of commission. I don't suppose there's any way to do this from the console in ORCT2 is there? I might just have to go ahead and reinstall Windows tonight after I can offload that footage.

Thanks for the detailed walkthrough. That is indeed very much appreciated.

Edited by hpg
  On 26/09/2017 at 17:49, hpg said:

I moved the entrance in sandbox mode, but I think I did wind up removing the previous entrance with the tile inspector as I couldn't find another way to remove the old entrance.

Unfortunately I am on a Mac, and I actually just deleted my Windows partition last night because I needed the space for a video project while my desktop is out of commission. I don't suppose there's any way to do this from the console in ORCT2 is there? I might just have to go ahead and reinstall Windows tonight after I can offload that footage.

Thanks for the detailed walkthrough. That is indeed very much appreciated.


If I can figure it out, I can try to fix it for you if you want. Let me give it a try and I'll let you know later if I can get everything working right. 


Sounds like the tile inspector needs to be improved slightly when used to delete a park entrance.

Alternatively/additionally this problem could be checked for and corrected after loading a savegame.

Both should be fairly easy changes - the difficult part is finding where to add the extra code.

Posted (edited)

@Broxzier thank you for the detailed walk-through. Worked like a charm! (see the parade below for proof!)

@zaxcav I did reopen this as an issue on Github, just sounds like some code needs to be added that updates the park entrance array when the tile inspector is used.

Knoebels Amusement Resort 2017-09-26 17-59-27.png

Edited by saxman1089
Posted (edited)

@saxman1089I'm glad you were able to fix the problem in your park so everything works properly again.

The bad news with the exit parade is your guest numbers drop.  The good news is that the average happiness of the remaining guests is much higher, so the park rating will shoot up :-) 

Edited by zaxcav
  On 27/09/2017 at 18:52, zaxcav said:

@saxman1089I'm glad you were able to fix the problem in your park so everything works properly again.

The bad news with the exit parade is your guest numbers drop.  The good news is that the average happiness of the remaining guests is much higher, so the park rating will shoot up :-) 


I was working on the park last night after this, and I've now got a 999 park rating with almost 3000 guests. So this was huge for the peepability of the park! Thanks for all your help!

Also, @hpg if you need help removing the erroneous entrance entry, let me know!

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