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List of ideas...


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This list contains ideas I came up which adds features to ORCT2.

Multiplayer ideas.

  • Ability to block a player in chat.
  • Show the last 5 actions did the player do, and more specific actions (ex. Delete ride (Twister roller coaster 1).
  • Change the name color per group. If a player is in a group that has the name color set to green, The player's name in chat is also green.
  • A limit to how many characters are in a chat message, so a message don't go all the way across the screen.

Terrain generation ideas.

  • A setting that will change the tree type depending on the altitude.
  • A setting that will change the tree density. (Low density - very few trees. High density - lots of trees.)
  • A setting that will change what trees will be generated.

Random ideas.

  • A setting that will change the name of the ride to it's "classic" name so Twist 1 will be called Scrambled Eggs 1.
  • When viewing the ride list. You can see who built what ride.
Edited by DCMeGaMaxX
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14 hours ago, DCMeGaMaxX said:

Ability to block a player in chat.

You can mute them by handing out the permission that restricts chat

14 hours ago, DCMeGaMaxX said:

Show the last 5 actions did the player do, and more specific actions (ex. Delete ride (Twister roller coaster 1).

https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/issues/4160 Being worked on ^_^ (By logging all actions by players in a file)


14 hours ago, DCMeGaMaxX said:

A limit to how many characters are in a chat message, so a message don't go all the way across the screen.

https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/pull/3946 Been worked on but at hold right now :/

Edited by Nubbie
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7 hours ago, imlegos said:

@Nubbie I think what he meant was without perms, and client only; /block Annoyance /unblock Annoyance

Doing this would remove this player's messages from your chat.

That is what I was thinking. This is useful when a troll or someone else gets on a server and starts spamming messages in chat, and the moderators of said server are not currently online.


Here's another one. Enable/disable cheats while in the scenario editor. This hectically counts as an issue because zero clearance is automatically on when in the scenario editor. When you place a park entrance it glitches out.

Edited by DCMeGaMaxX
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