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Everything posted by UTMAN

  1. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Ahhh, sorry guys. I'll start to work on it. ://
  2. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I know, I didn't put any scenery there because I didn't want to add anything to there untill Phil doesn't approve my changes to his ride. :) When the round comes to me, my first and only thing will be to put scenery around it to make it look more nice :)
  3. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Okkay, I am kinda done. I didn't do much, because honestly I didn'T know which way to go or what to build. I didn't want to build a coaster since we have a LOAD of them, so I kinda fixed some paths by adding some extra hendyman around the park. Also placing more benches and bins.And I edited Phil's coaster called Tornado. I know I didn't ask Phil's opinion about it, so Phil please check my changes and decide if you want to stick with your old one, or remain the new version. If you decide to stick with your old one, you can revert it back easily :) in line: Philmon, xbalogan, Broxzier, jensj, imlegos, UTMANMissed turn: Jamaka, Erik
  4. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I'll take it then! :)
  5. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Guys, unfortunately I have no time this weekend to work on the park, so I would like to skip my turn, and let Jensj work on it.Next in line: jensj, imlegos, Philmon, xbalogan, BroxzierMissed turn: Jamaka, Erik, UTMAN
  6. UTMAN

    Group Park 2 Done!Next in line: Erik, jensj, imlegos, Jamaka, Philmon, xbalogan, Broxzier, UTMAN
  7. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    ohh, it's my turn? That was fast. I'll try to work on it :)
  8. Erik, well that could be an option too. if the forum had more than 50~ active user. :D Unfortunately we are very few and the mostly active members were part of this park. :/ :)
  9. I think it would be nice and flattering if the devs decided to put the group park's most beautiful parts to the official loading sequence of the game :)Wow, I didn't expect Hilly Reel to have any vote at all. :D It was worth it to make the voting. it's nice to know that people like these kinds of coasters.
  10. Guys, I thought making a poll about this map's coasters. Just I want to get some feedback about your thoughts what kind of coasters you like overall. Also I would like to ask every participant, to NOT vote for their OWN rides. Like I built Forlorn Hope, so I won't vote for it. Same for Brox and the Grey battle etc. (You can vote multiple Rides, but please do not vote more ride than 2!!!)
  11. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Erik, you just have to avoid using rides and scenery from the Expansions. We usually add rides and scenery later on with the debugging device to the map. Also we played the previous map just fine. And I had the expansion, while others didn't. So there will be no errors or etc. :)
  12. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Personally I don't mind custom themes. :) Maybe some custom walls/roofs would be nice, also maybe some paths?
  13. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I want to join! :) (But I don't want to be first :D)I would prefer if we could expansion scenery, and a huge flat area where everybody can make their own stuff. But if it is a bit hilly/mountain that's okay too. :)
  14. Wow, a LOTT of people appeared with Dark Blue Balloons :D The Go kart is very nicely done! :)
  15. You can, I guess? But basically there are not much space left. And this park is nearly finished. I don't know honestly how many rounds there will be. But there will be another group park too! :)
  16. Ah sorry, you are righ Imlegos :) Fixed it! :)
  17. I did my turn also. Added a small coaster which went surpsingly intense. :/ Well here it is! List: Philmon11, Broxzier, imlegos, UTMANMissed turn: jensj12, benboyrocks, SnowMew, AdamLambert, Derf
  18. UTMAN


    Thank you jensj! The ride are arriving suprisingly at the same time when both car are empty. However the green one is always full, while the white one is kinda always 50%~ loaded. So the green one goes faster, this is why the difference. :)
  19. I will only be able to work on the park tomorrow or thuesday, so imlegos you can come after me if you want :) Sorry guys. :/
  20. UTMAN


    Thanks Brox! To be honest these kind of coasters always freak me out. Because it is so hard to make them... even though these didn't get perfect either :/ They not reach the station at the same time. But it's mostly thanks to that the green one is always full where the white one it's always half loaded, so it goes slower.
  21. it looks nice, however you should really do something about the water. It is very unnatural. :/ You should raise/lower the ground under the water, and also make it look like the shore is 1-2-3 tiles lower that the actual ground. Like here: View image
  22. UTMAN


    I Hope you all like the park as much I as enjoy building it. This is where my park is now, so no more posts for a short time! :) Please tell me your opinion about it, and if you have any idea or suggestion I am all ears! :)
  23. UTMAN


    The Garden's construction continued and the front part of it has been done entirely. However the monorail's station here will have to wait for a couple more months to be finished. Also the garden reached to a certain status where it could be opened, so many guests are already siezed the park as their own and enjoyed its relaxing atmosphere which was only disturbed by the occasional guest screams coming from the Roller Coaster Simoun which was behing the whole garden.View imageBetween the park and the garden a water ride has been constructed to lure some guests there.View imageAlso two buildings has been built in the centre. One hosting a twister and a motion simulator, while the second has been filled with a Go-Kart course. And since they are in a building no rain can ruin the fun of riding a 4 wheeled machine!View imageAnd last, but not least two other coaster has been built too! These two has been built next to each other, so they can duel each other! That's right, the park got its first dueling coasters! These sisters has been named as: Sybilla Aeru and Sybilla Neviril. They recieved more brutal ratings as their elder sister Simoun, but their newness allured every guest from the park to this section of the park. However the hill and the nearby place still under construction, so when it's get finished the sisters will be more gorgeous than now!View imageView imageView imageTheir stats:View image
  24. UTMAN


    Another few years passed and the park made enough money to have the opportunity to expand! So Silverhedghe Garden's construction has been started. At first it only had a Boat House at an artificial lake and also a swinging ship. And a garden in the centre where the guests will be able to chill out. Also some prelaid paths where the flowers and other scenery will be. Also the garden will feature some food and drink stalls too, so if someone gets hungry or thirsty they won't have to walk all the way back to the center of the park!View image
  25. UTMAN


    Thanks Runaraelen! :)To be honest this is my first try building anything like this. And basically just experimenting this. It kinda bugs me that most of my building look alike; however it is verry difficult to make every building unique in its on way. :)
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