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Everything posted by UTMAN

  1. Hey Guys! Wow, it's a loooong time since I've been at this site. Unfortunately University took all of my free time and had to stop playing thins fantastic game. However I remembered that I started an idea about a rapid park. Are some of you guys still interested about this challange?
  2. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Ah you are right, lol I only read imlegos.
  3. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

  4. I also would prefer if we didn't use any CC/Expansion stuff.
  5. Well let's see how many people we have: Claimed: -Participants: qbbq, Dan, Wobbly, Wuis, jensj12, Squab, Broxzier, ziscor, UTMAN, PWT: - We are 9, so that means the maximum timer is 4. The timer inceases/decreases overtime how the participants increase/decrease. What kind of starting workbench should it be? All empty/flat where we have to adjust the land or a prebuilt land?
  6. Evening! I thought up a new kind of group project, and I talked it trough with Broxzier and he really liked the idea. So I want to post it here, to see what's your idea about this. So let's begin! This would be a very similar group project as the one that already exists in the forums; however it would be a bit different. The exact rules would be kinda the same as in the previous group park. Cover a maximum area of 30x30 land tiles in one turn. You are allowed to shape this to your likes. An area of 15x60 for example is perfectly fine. Raise the land that you are building on. There should always be enough space to have an underground path, to allow for solving unexpected pathing issues. Anyone is allowed to make minor changes to other people's content, while keeping the overall theme the same. This include, but are not limited to: Changing the height of the ground Improve scenery and footpaths Placing footpath additions Solving issues where guests get stuck Moving rides Moving or placing new shops and stalls Do not make major changes to other people's content without their approval. This includes, but is not limited to: Removing or replacing rides Removing or replacing detailed scenery (anything that has more than just empty walls and roofs) Changing the height of the land drastically Keep an eye on the news - solve any problems to keep the park rating high. Post at least one screenshot, the new saved game with increased version number, and the updated queue. Do not block any main paths directly, there should be an easy way to continue building a path for the people after you. Ideally continue any paths in the area so that people can easily extend it. The basic thing would be in this park that there is no queue line. We have a bunch of builders, and anybody can claim the park! The first guy who claims the park get's the right to work on it. However there would be a timer, which is based on the participants. So let's say we have A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I and J park builders. D claims it, he works on the park and uploads it here. He get's a timer based on the participants number which is 10. We divide the number of participants by 2 then we decrease the result by 1 and that's the timer. In case of 10 participants it would be 10/2 =5 - 1 = 4! If we have odd number than we decrease the participant's number by 1 and then we divide it 2. So if there are 11 people, then it would be 11 - 1 = 10 / 2= 5! Easy as that! And the timer goes down by 1 everytime someone worked on the park. Builders with timers cannot claim the park. So basically no queue line and very short amount of work hour, so make it sure that you ONLY claim it when you have time for the park. If you don't upload the park in 4 hours you get the timer no matter what. I also would like to ask you to stop building coasters in every turn of yours. We have a LOT of coasters in the Group Park 2 and in a real park there are a lot less, so there would be a rule also to reduce the number of the coasters. You say that you want to build a coaster in the odd or even turn. So basically you declare that you want to build coasters in your odd turns, so it means that you are only allowed to build coasters when it's your first, third, fifth etc turn. I would also like to ask you to build scenery. Buildings which made by you and work on the environment too. I would like to ask you all to have at least a station building and some stuff that your stuff goes around/over/under/trough it. If you only build a coaster and some trees around it, then it won't do it. So please consider this. Well this would be it. Make sure you share your thoughts about this. Sample: Claimed: D Participants: C,E,G,I, J PWT (People with timer): B (4), H (3), A (2), F (1) Real thing: Claimed: - Participants: UTMAN PWT: -
  7. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Let me guess, the information kiosk sells red umbrellas
  8. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Well in my version nothing happens if a safety cut happens durig that time... The car leaves while the 2nd one remains in the station.
  9. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I've fixed some paths. Added some extra food/drink stalls and restaurants. Changed the hat/umbrella colours from the deafult red to multiple ones, so the park will be a bit more diverse. I've also fixed my 3 coasters a bit. I had them running for like hours and no crash happened. So they should be fine. Basically from 5100 guest I raised it back to 6500~ And I've built a small golf course, but I will take my time later to decorate it. I won't upload any picture since I only did is fixing the park here and there. And guys, please always check if there is a place where guests can stuck. The guests were stuck for like 5 rounds there next to Nitro and I can't beleieve that nobody noticed it. Community Park V2.72.sv6 Claimed: N/ANext In Line: jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab, przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, imlegos, UTMANMissed Turn: Enner, Xbalogan
  10. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I spam the safety cut-out error on the ride and still nothing. It still waits 10 secs to start another car and by that the prevoius car is already on the top. Because the virginia reel coaster broke whenever there was a safety cut and a lot of cars slipped into each other on the bottom. And when they reached the top the 3-4 cars slowed down each other so they couldn't take the first obstacle. I cannot reproduce that in the Villain/Hero ride
  11. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I increased the speed of the virginia reel so it will have more velocity. I didn't change anything in the Villain however. I don't see how it gets crashed....
  12. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Okay just some update here. When I opened the last save file I found out that there are 1000 people less as like 5 rounds before. I searched the park for like 5 min and I found a place where people got stuck trying to find Nitro basically right next to the ride. I fixed the bugged path. Now we have 6100~ guest again. I added few shops here and there, also recolored all most hat/souvenier shops. I kinda was tired that every guest had red hat/umbrella. Now the park looks bit more colourful now. I reopened "The villain" and re-enabled the syncronazation option. Well the ride didn't crash for me, or got stuck even though I had the game running for an entire hour. I also redesigned the Virginia Reel coaster, so hopefully it won't get crashed anymore. I will continue it tomorrow.
  13. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Claiming it! Claimed: UTMANNext In Line: jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab, przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, imlegosMissed Turn: Enner, Xbalogan
  14. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Splendid work Brox, as always
  15. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: @BroxzierNext In Line: WobblyRails Xbalogan, qbbq, imlegos , UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab, przemekMissed Turn: Enner Here you are
  16. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Ahhhhhhhhhh.... it's indeed there. Sorry, haven't slept for a day now. Couldn't see. ^^
  17. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    @jensj12 idk what happened but I downloaded your savefile and in my 2 new coaster (The Hero, The villain) the option "Synchronise with adjencent station" is not enabled. And I remember I had it enable when I uploaded the file. @Wuis can I ask you to have the synchronise option enabled on both of my rides?
  18. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    it's there EDIT: Wel yeah, first I forgot to add the save, but in the edit I added it. Sorry I hope you all like the two coasters!
  19. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I connected the frost and the lake area with a mining/hilly/mountanish theme. I built 2 coasters which are duelling with each other. The Villain and The Hero I fixed Per View's problem by adding a guard in front of it and having him patrolling around the exit. Also I closed down the Frozen Eggplant because it went bugged as hell. The repairman tried to reach different station and didn't go in to the normal exit... So I think the ride needs to be rebuilt enterily. And I also fixed xbalogan's merry-go-round by removing the path under the invisible entrance. Claimed: - nobody -Next In Line: @jensj12, Wuis, Philmon11, Squab, Broxzier, WobblyRails Xbalogan, qbbq, imlegos , UTMAN Missed Turn: Enner Community Park V2.63.sv6
  20. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I hereby claim the park!
  21. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    i'm not talking about that part. I was talking about the Log Flume ride in the park's corner. Where you made a bump car ride, and it's a desert.
  22. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Good job for fixing your ride Wuis! It's a bit funny, but effective solution However, personally I think that log flume area is kinda needs a WHOLE revamp and we should redo and redesign that place with the bridge I made. I hope I don't offend anybody with it.
  23. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Well wuis didn't claim it, you can still do it xbalogan.
  24. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Since it has been a day now... Next In Line: @Wuis, Philmon11, Squab, Broxzier, WobblyRails, UTMAN, jensj12Missed Turn: imlegos, Enner, xbalogan
  25. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I didn't delete your coaster because it still can be okay. Like if your coaster was next to a cliff or something. It can be easily solved. So no worries Wobbly!
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