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Everything posted by BEplayer

  1. I follow you no because your scenario packs are truely incredible. They all have maintained the classic rct style.
  2. This park will get a huge update soon. Including a record breaking rollercoaster.
  3. Great Idea, it would be nice to see that in the game!
  4. Hey, today I will show you how to build detailed industrial buildings, because I often see people just build big grey boxes when they want to build industrial theming. So let's start with the guide: YOU NEED: Asia theming from the expansions, recolourable ; Mechanical theming ; Walls and roofs theming 1. Use completly black shogi walls of different types to create interesting walls. Try to use some shogi wall types as windows. 2. Use the roof base block as the roof of your building. 3. Put these small steel walls at the corners of your roof. 4. Spice up your roof with the help of some steel base blocks in some pattern (as you can see in the picture). 5. Finally add some cogwheels surrounded by steel walls to the roof. Then you are done. Note: If you want to, you can add some small coloured shogi walls in between the layers of big walls. These buildings in my BE Equia World Park:
  5. Thank you! I will try them out!
  6. Some random rankings: My top 5 manufactures: 1. Intamin 2. Gerstlauer 3. RMC 4. B&M 5. S&S My favourite track types: 1. Next gen. Intamin track (for example on batman gothem city escape) 2. RMC Hybrid Track 3. Gerstlauer Infinity Coaster/Hypercoaster Track 4. Next Gen. Vekoma Track (like on Abyssus) 5. Mack Rides Track (like on voltron) Top 5 parks in germany: 1. Phantasialand 2. Hansa Park 3. Europa Park 4. Tripsdrill 5. Heide Park Feel free to discuss with me and post your own random rankings!
  7. I can say it again, if you want to
  8. Hansa Park is my home park, and after visiting the park today I asked myself: How many people have already visited this place, and what's their opinion on the park?
  9. As I already replied 7 days ago, I can agree. When you just upload the files, nobody will download them. But if you promote the parks a little bit with a title, some screenshots and maybe a little description it will get more downloads. And to be clear: This isn't meant to annoy you, I always love it when people share their work here!
  10. Working on a big expansion for this park, please give me feeback on: -which areas you would like to see -which coaster types you would like to see -which things I should improve
  11. Hey everybody, I wanted to ask a question about Windows 11 and Open Rct2 here: When I switsch to Windows 11, what will happen with my open rct2 files? I fear that I will lost my parks and custom scenery usw. and maybe the whole game. And is it even possible to play Rct in Windows 11? Thank you so much
  12. Another update, I am still working on this park: - the space rings in the "mediterania the old continent" section of the park have been replaced by two brand new kiddie rides. They are themed to a boat trip on the Lake Garda in Italy. - The wooden roller coaster "Blue Cyclone" was removed, because it just wasn't fitting for the Tomorrowland area of the park - New Ride in the Tomorrowland area: A Flying theatre has been added in the former place of blue cyclone. It is located in a really cool building, and it just makes the area more complete. - New Deocorations and buildings in Tomorrowland. - New Expansion to Dragon Zone with a big Zamperla Giant Discovery - New coaster and indoor drop tower at the brand new secound gate of the park. Hope you liked the additions I revealed today!
  13. Not really. For switsch tracks as well as drop tracks you can use the advanced track plugin, but transfer tracks are not a part of this plugin. Maybe you could try a transfer track with track merging, that could be working.
  14. Maybe give us some screenshots next time, that would be great.
  15. BEplayer

    B en C

    A really undique park, very odd and somehow cool. I like it! You always do so unconventional decorations but it works. Next time it would be nice to see some ground colour variaton and maybe a big eye catching coaster.
  16. Okay, thank you, but this is still a problem for me. Maybe I will buy the expansions soon.
  17. Hey, I am a big fan of the "Imagination Megapark" made by @Deurklink. When the park is finished, I really want to download it for myself. But there is a problem: Deurklink is using scenery from the expensions, which I do not own. I only have some recolorable versions of them. Now I fear, that it maybe will not work for this reason. Because there are some experts here, I just wanted to ask whether I'm right, and when I am, how to solve this problem. Thank you so much!!
  18. A schwarzkopf looper I made today. I really like the layout, and it has decent stats! {RED}Insane!.td6
  19. You actually had the same problem with the first park I ever uploaded here. Back then @X7123M3-256helped you, as far as I know. Do you have the rct2 expansions, maybe some objects of them are missing in your game, that would be my idea. Greetings from Hamburg!
  20. This is a little regional theme park with some nice roller coasters, located in Italy. Enjoy! Coaster: Chivering Timbers (GCI Wooden Coaster), Electrix Eel (B&M Dive Coaster), Batwing (B&M Invert), Superman Spin (Mauer Spinning coaster), Razzo Rocket Coaster (Sky Rocket II), Woodstock Express (Kiddie Coaster), Splitfire (Intamin LSM Hyper Coaster), Farm Express (Gerstlauer Family Coaster) Water Rides: Pirate Splash (Splash Boats) BE Italy.park
  21. Hey! Nice to see you here!
  22. No I don't think so that there is a option to do this. But can I ask why you don't want to have this sound effect. I always love it when I hear these nice money sounds
  23. Marcel vos used this table, it gives a very good overview in my opinion.
  24. I think this video should give you the correct answer;
  25. I downloaded RCT 3 complete Edition yesterday and I am still pretty bad at the game. Especially problematic is the landscaping tool for me. Maybe you can give me some tips and tricks, if you have experience in Rct3. I know this isn't the perfect topic for this forum, but I hope it's okay.
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