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Everything posted by RollerCoasterTyphoon
"You silly pig-dog I shall taunt you another time". RCT is not real life. All Arrow and TOGO corkscrew/looping coasters use banked sloped turns: not in RCT. Arrow suspended coasters, after Arrow apprehended and fixed the mistake, made sure that all turns use banked track: not in RCT. For some weird reason Chris Sawyer decided that he just plain hated TOGO: RCT's versions of TOGO coasters are horrible; horrifically unrealistic. That last, while it's a 'dig' at Chris Sawyer's dispositions, does not disqualify RCT as being, globally, one of the most-beloved games ever devised. One of his dispositions that I will not dispute is that coasters capable of deploying "zero-G" elements do not earn Air-Time, because that would be too-readily-exploitable: the means of that computer game disposition resides in yes/no lap-bar; Twister v. Hyper-Twister. Above, I linked a Reddit post that demonstrates the abuse. Beg for more, pillock. Yes, you are the biggest asshole on the planet. Typhoon
Pathfinding with 500x500 park
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to Timson's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
This is what I do: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_vapor_deposition This style of thing is too complex for basic PLCs: two of our reactors run on modified Win95, one on modified XP; our best reactor, manufactured by PLATIT, is the sexiest creature in the entire universe. I make sure nothing f**ks up, including climbing into the machine, detaching wires in order to 'hot-wire' it into life (obviously, only when it has failed). The lab is air-gapped but I can access all machines, remotely, through some devious method that I devised. ExCrafty, again, thank you: you remain a kind and honest person. I'm not the best, nor the most-sensibly temperamental candidate for inclusion in the Development Team. Oh, I gave you a like because you were simply being you and I respect that. Typhoon -
Block Brake stops working
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to a2808's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
I'm glad I helped. Oh, I gave your thanks a 'like' because it's improved my mood: another thread has made me terrifically angry and my responses there are full of wrath. It's nice to be nice to people. I'm glad I helped you. Typhoon -
The established premises of the game include the disposition that roller coasters capable of deploying "zero-G" elements do not have lap-bar restraints and do not earn the Air-time bonus. A year ago I pointed to Twister v. Hyper-Twister: the evidence and, hence, my argument remains absolutely indisputable. Precisely what style of retard are you, or has Medicine/Psychology entirely given-up and thrown-in the towel? I could have sign-languaged this to Koko, the gorilla, and received acknowledgment but you, again, want to dance me around the May-pole. Back to Mom's basement, troll. Here's a line from a Monty Python movie:: "Go away you silly pig-dog or I shall taunt you another time". I'm daring you to provoke me again. Twat. Typhoon
Plural v. Singular, f**ktwat. The 1st sentence of your post, before you even completed it, is something I'm tearing apart. I can't believe you're such a pillock excepting, only, that you actually f**king prove it. BTW, I'm not done with you; hahaha, wait for it ... um, naturally, in your Mom's basement. Oh ho ho, please wait for it again. Mike-drop. Typhoon
Block Brake stops working
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to a2808's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
Please, understand me: I do want to help. If a train is moving too fast it will "plow through" any Block. So, modify your trackitecture. Typhoon. -
Hi. I'll link something from almost a month ago. Oh, I discovered it when it was fresh, but a certain someone's deliberate pretense of absolute obtuseness has left me so mad that, only now, have I found the resolve to make an additional assay. So the genie is out of the bottle. Folks are making new Scenarios with OpenRCT2; IMHO, the established premises of the game should be remembered and respected; Chris Sawyer's creation should not be denatured. To "Extreme with numbers to make it seem like I don't live in my Mom's basement and couldn't get laid if I walked into a women's prison with a fistful of pardons" I'll quote a line from a British TV show I rather like ("New Tricks"), "I didn't call you a pratt ... I called you a twat". Sorry: obviously I'm still mad. Typhoon
Pathfinding with 500x500 park
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to Timson's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
I perceive no criticism, and I'll thank you for the encouragement. Sadly, I really don't think I should attempt to join the Development Team: I do not work as a Software Developer, nor as a Systems Admin, the last time I even inspected "raw" Assembly was 30 yrs ago; I'm "on-call" at the lab, family, friends, Friday-night "6-pack & a movie", my time is spent; the most-recent plug-ins I've written were for Dragon Age: Origins (what; 15 yrs ago?), facilitated by the studio releasing a public, "for modders", version of their Development Console. The OpenRCT2 plug-ins I employ (Ride Price, Scenery Manager, Advanced Track), so far as I can tell, run parallel to the game code and do not make any attempt to overwrite/supersede it: if a plug-in could address this issue, I might consider "blowing the dust off of" my JavaScript claws and sharpen them up; of course, the manner and magnitude of any changes would need to be ratified by a consensus from the Development team. One thing a lot of people sometimes overlook, when desiring to modify computer code, is the possibility of change in one system contaminating proper function in another, at its worst potentially causing cascade failures in numerous areas. With this specific issue my experience & instincts tell me that such danger is highly unlikely but, yes, I'd prefer to leave this sort of thing to our Development Team. On top of it all: I launch OpenRCT2 to play scenarios, design roller coasters, horse-around with 'hacky' stuff; I get enough work, at work. Typhoon -
Pathfinding with 500x500 park
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to Timson's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
I haven't tried to play any super-large parks, but I've been anticipating this problem: two years ago I devoted some time to watch Guest behaviour during my replay of Evergreen Gardens; over and over again, a Guest would be "heading for X" (often, the entire other side of the Park), then, "I can't find X!", wander around a little, then "heading for Y" (again, often, the other side of the Park ...). I deduced that, in Parks above a certain size, this accounts for all of the "lost" complaints but, also, almost-all of the "it's too crowded here" complaints. I was frustrated that I had, in Evergreen Gardens, a large number of Attractions with starving queues, and hundreds of Guests serially-timing-out not reaching far-away rides, generating "lost" and "too crowded" complaints. I'd imagine that the control here is a simple time-out but I haven't decompiled & parsed any of the code, nor compared energetic v. tired Guests: it could be tied to distance. I'd like to ask our Devs to modify the control to be, instead of some fixed-value, a function based on Park size: simply increasing the time-out will not punish "bad-pathing". I might want to try to play large-Park Scenarios, maybe even design one or two, but I've held-off in anticipation of this very issue. I imagine it's disheartening for hopeful Park-makers. Typhoon -
Mismatched G2.dat size on android?
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to DrawsomeDrawer's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
No, you do what I said, YOURSELF, precisely, including all possible file locations: you claim you used "an app" ... for all I could possibly know (and this is exactly what I originally told you), all you've ever performed remains 'dirty'. You did NOT perform a clean uninstall/re-install, according to my suggestion: you just admitted to using "an app"; again, Android might exercise file protections that I simply don't know; or your AV-protection suite; um, gee, wow, do you even possess "Administrator Access" to all functions of your tablet? WiFi tablet & SIM card: I expected (incorrectly) that the Android device was a SmartPhone. Happily, that's irrelevant: a checksum failure that reports more can only mean that some 3rd-party has illicitly added to the size of the file; that could only have happened within the environment of the device, itself ... Wipe it, and I don't mean, "using an app". Typhoon -
Mismatched G2.dat size on android?
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to DrawsomeDrawer's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
Hi, this was rolling-around in the back of my head: your "Actual" is larger than "Expected": um, please, perform a 100%-wipe and buy a new SIM card, then 100%-wipe again. Typhoon -
Mismatched G2.dat size on android?
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to DrawsomeDrawer's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
OK: there are two ways of uninstalling/re-installing any software; 'clean' and 'dirty' ... A 'dirty' re-install does occur far more often than it should and it's not the user's fault: 'artifacts' of the previous installation have not been overwritten by the re-installation process; usually, that's a failure on the part of whomever wrote the uninstall/install application. I'm describing something like, "Oh, at this point I should write G2.dat but, oh my!, it's already here, so I don't have to" ... How to perform a 'clean' uninstall/re-install: 1. Use system's/program's provided (un)install feature 2. navigate to the (previously) relevant file locations, and destroy anything/everything that remains 3. now, install all over again There might be other issues that should not pertain to anything related to OpenRCT2 but, um, yeah: APK? So, you're using a Mobile Device that runs Android ... I can't speak knowledgably about, "anything Android": potentially, wow, there might be any number of inter-file dependencies/access-authorization-issues that I just-plain don't know about. Please, try a 'clean' procedure, as I have described and, hit or miss, please post again. Oh, BTW, Jensj12 is wonderful and very knowledgeable, but failed to mention that the specific style of your problem is known as, "a failed checksum value". If folks here can help get you sorted, that will also help anyone/everyone with a similar issue; yes? Typhoon -
Bug: Not able to save custom track design
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to andy55699's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
Hi Ruyven, It does seem to me like you understand how to proceed: I remain gratified that I could help. Just now, though, you asked something that piqued my interest: for you, also anyone else, I can say a little more ... You do not have to create a brand-new scenario for any of this to work: OpenRCT2 will open both .sv6 and .park file formats (but any subsequent savegame will be .park, NOT .sv6); launch a brand-new Alton Towers or Forest Frontiers or Crazy Castle and you will be able to use the new track elements; of course, any such Scenario/Savegame would have to have the appropriate coaster type available (i.e. if I've got a Looping Coaster of my own design that uses new track, I could use it at the very beginning of Diamond Heights but, if I'm playing a new Forest Frontiers, I'll have to wait for Research to unlock the Looping Coaster). So, this is what piqued my interest, what everyone should also know: visit New Element, RCTgo, Reddit's RCT, RCTspace, a link from some nice person's YouTube video, whatever ... OpenRCT2 will open the .sv6 files, the .td6 files, and the .sc6 files (<- that's the file format for Scenarios which, hitherto, has remained unmentioned) with no problems. Make sure you place any such content in the proper OpenRCT2 folder and, um, have fun! .sv6/.park needs to go into "save", .td6 needs to go into "track", .sc6 needs to go into "scenario". Cheers! Typhoon -
Bug: Not able to save custom track design
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to andy55699's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
I do not understand your question, and I apologize. I do want to help: I'll offer some explanation; I'll try to be succinct but, I have no knowledge of your expertise with programming, so some of this might be tedious. OpenRCT2 uses the assets of the original RCT2, including the file formats: when you save a track design, it will be the .td6 file format used by the original RCT2; saving a scenario/park formerly also used the original RCT2 .sv6 file format, but OpenRCT2's team developed and implemented a new .park format; <- that was about a year ago, IIRC. The .park format permitted saving an attraction that used the new track elements that OpenRCT2 has made available, but only when deployed in a scenario/park: saving a track design would still use RCT2's original .td6 file format; that .td6 format "does not know what to do" with the new track pieces. My earlier post glossed-over some possible work-arounds: 1. Make a coaster you like, make sure it will work as desired, then: go back to construction and replace "unsavable" track pieces with savable "filler" track pieces (um, make sure the modified design still works ...); it will save as .td6 and, when you want to place it in a park, you go back to construction and swap-in your desired track pieces; recolor the bits that you'll want to replace to make it easy to remember, if you like. X7123M3-256 has offered a list of new track pieces that will not save as .td6; if unsure about anything, RCTwiki can help you identify "unsavable" track elements. 2. Using Sadret's Scenery Manager plug-in: yuck, because this is more complex; please, I'm talking about this option because of this, https://forums.openrct2.org/topic/6135-google-drive-video-link-elevator-lift-switch-track-mine-train-block-sectioned I will apologize: I don't want to delve into this right now, because of the complexity (actually, easy to do, tedious to explain); also, it's not about new track elements, but how to "copy & paste" a roller coaster that burrows into a mountain (itself, an "invalid .td6 issue"). If I've screwed-up, or you want more information, please inform me. Cheers! and, Good Luck! Typhoon -
I suspect that I need to perform some conversion, at the source-level, to some high-fidelity music in order to import it compatibly with OpenRCT2's in-game (8-bit?) music system; or, maybe, I'm on Mars ... I'm very computer-savvy in terms of algorithmic logic & programming but I've never been any sort of A/V whiz. Even if my suspicions are correct, I have no idea where to begin, nor even what to do. I've used Gymnasiast's excellent GOES tool to successfully import less-dense stuff as .parkobjs: absolutely no problems. However, when I've converted studio-quality high fidelity .flac->.ogg->.parkobj, the tracks play, but at substantively-reduced volume; if I sync several attractions to play the same track, the aggregate volume assures me that the music is playing contiguously, but I can hear distortion and, otherwise, I'd characterize the sound quality as, "muffled". To be clear, all of the original .flac sounds incredible and all of the .ogg conversions sound incredible: in-game, the stuff sounds terrible; I do appreciate that OpenRCT2 is not a media player. Would someone kindly offer me a few suggestions? Typhoon
OpenMusic files not showing up
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to Xeltron245's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
I failed to see this question when it first appeared. I apologize. Of course, if I can't help you, the issue is moot. In Scenario, hold down the "Cheats" button to get a dropdown menu: select, "Object Selection" to open the Object Selection window; top right of that pane you will see a button labelled, "Advanced"; select it and on the new toolbar you'll see a tab with the Music icon; your Custom Music objects should be there and, once you've enabled those you want, they should appear in all attractions' Music dropdown. If you're looking for the new tracks supplied by Jalmaan/auraspecs, look beside the "Advanced" button and select the "Filters" button; from the dropdown, select "OpenRCT2 Official". I hope I help you find what you're after. Oh, any issues at all, Deurklink posted "how to" videos a while back, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0csptAbKwv4&list=PLKSsRPxziyw5mjbDv79XviaxrCw1vbIt4&index=12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXZkfm6O70A Cheers. -
Greetings and a question regarding etiquette
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to RollerCoasterTyphoon's topic in Introductions
I've revised this coaster: here's a link to the revision, at RCTgo; most of my better, 'normal', designs will eventually be made available there; 'hacky' stuff, like my Elevator-Lift-and-Double-Switchtrack Mine Train will remain things that I would present only here. https://rctgo.com/downloads/view/its-just-totally-loopy.22938 Yeah, I'm RollerCoasterTyphoon there, too. I'd originally wanted !TL to be "honest" (properly Block-Sectioned): I've abandoned that ambition; this revision supplies the seamless thoughput this coaster should. Cheers! Typhoon -
@mariecurry, re: Woody's Ratings. The Intensity is too high, and that *halves* your Excitement; G-Forces all seem acceptable, so I suspect there are "too many" Drops; simply reducing the Drop-count will reduce the Intensity; achieve an Intensity >10.01 (um, I think that's the precise value ...) and your Excitement will increase dramatically. Those 2 Drops immediately after the Photo Section can just be swapped-out, IMO: the loss of Air-time would be minimal. I see minor Drops before turns: where you want to descend & turn, you can use Helices (a Helix does not count as a Drop); as you're not-likely going very fast at these places, the loss to Air-time should be negligible/non-existent. Are you running trains that add to Intensity (articulated, I think, does this)? I'm not sure, though, that that actually counts against determining the Excitement penalty. I hope you find this advice helpful. Alternatively, if you like, provide the TD6 and I'll have a go at sorting-out this coaster. BTW, I do think that Woody is a sexy coaster. Cheers. Typhoon
Missing scenery
RollerCoasterTyphoon replied to simonheinrich's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
Um, I really have no idea, so apologies, but there exists a "misc" (or whatever; an inventory of individual objects) tab: are "missing" scenery objects there? If yes, then they're available but would have to be hunted for ... If not, then this reply possess no value; sorry. Typhoon -
You should already know what I mean, since this is from the 3rd post in this thread, Now, I have done a little research and I will explain precisely why I invoked Chris Sawyer: in vanilla, ALL coasters that can deploy these elements have OTSR restraints, without fail; while the short, 4-across "Twister", Hyper-Twister trains possess lap-bars, "true" Twister trains are all OTSR; the "Arrow-ish" Hypercoaster trains have lap-bars, while the "Arrow-ish" Corkscrew trains are OTSR. Indeed, the original incarnation of the Hypercoaster demanded that the player build a Corkscrew coaster with no inversions: only then would Hypercoaster trains be available for selection. I'm not sure if a similar prerequisite was required to make a Twister into a Hyper-Twister (can't remember; just don't know), but the trains are the trains, and the distinction remains consistent. It's pretty clear: the original game-design wanted to avoid potential abuse derived from any exploitation of the exaggerated Air-time that these elements can generate. Thanks for patience, and continued dialogue. T
I wonder if you and I are actually approaching accord ... I'm not going to divert (again) to explain what I meant when I described "zero-G elements"; that's above, in this very thread. Chris Sawyer, evidently, more-than-20-years-ago, thought the distinction valid: um, hence, my initial query ... Thanks for offering dialogue
You and I again suffer a failure to communicate, including a reiteration of the original failure I've already cited: only you say anything about "zero G rolls"; I say nothing about "zero-G rolls", except to (now) repeat that I say nothing about "zero G rolls". Based on the information you kindly provided, I entered the Track Designer and deployed 8 Coasters: 4 identical Loopers & 4 identical 4D Coasters; both populated with trains from these coaster types, Looping, Giga, 4D, Corkscrew. The "zero-G" ELEMENTS on this 4D Coaster are the In-Line Twists & Outside Ravens; the Looping Coaster possesses no zero-G elements at all, relying solely upon "Air-time Hills"; just FYI, 4D generates almost 3x the Air-time, compared to the Looper. To be crystal clear: both coasters have no zero-G rolls. Looping & Giga trains, on the 4D, earn a tremendous bonus to Excitement, even though speeds & G Forces remain comparable; Corkscrew trains returned a (lower) Excitement, comparable to the normal 4D trains. Corkscrew & 4D trains, on the Looper, lose a significant amount of Excitement, even though speeds & G Forces remain comparable; Giga trains returned higher Excitement, comparable to the original Looping trains. All this commutes with your information. Again, thank you. The Looping & Giga trains flickered in-and-out traversing In-Line Twists & Outside Ravens; Corkscrew disappeared traversing the Outside Ravens. They do not have the sprites; hence my earlier statement about (some) self-regulation being built-into the original assets. Typhoon