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Everything posted by andy55699

  1. After 30 years, today I finally complete all scenarioes in RCT/RCT2 including those in the exapanion packs ! There have been so many up and downs, PC breaking down, saved games and progress gone, busy studying and working time until I picked up RCT again 5 years ago when I was 25 years old. And i made it finally! Woohooo!! 😂😂😂
  2. Thx a lot Broxzier!😀😀😀
  3. oh i just realize I didnt share the .park file here. Thx a lot! Sixflags.park
  4. mmm....ya i know but I tried running it for a few months in game time and it still doesn't give any test results
  5. mmm....ya i know but I tried running it for a few months in game time and it still doesn't give any test results
  6. ah you mean 1920s cars would stuck at the turns by nature? i thought 1920s cars are having the same sizes of typical go-kart vehicles in terms of programming...
  7. oh ya you are right....then I don't think i can reproduce the bug anymore sicne it is now fixed.....
  8. Bug- prison island.par Version: OpenRCT2, v0.4.4 (9e4918c) provided by GitHub Go-karts vehicles are stuck in the middle of the track. I have enabled the cheat to allow more number of vehicles than its default number and set the number of lap to 0. Not sure if these actions have lead to the bug. Thanks!
  9. OpenRCT2, v0.4.4 (9e4918c) provided by GitHub Not able to get the test result of the ride. Thanks! Bug -ride no test result -Extreme heights.park
  10. Bug - ghost station- extreme heights.parkOpenRCT2, v0.4.4 (9e4918c) provided by GitHub Version: OpenRCT2, v0.4.4 (9e4918c) provided by GitHub Another similar example to share. I didn't recall that I have switched on the test mode during construction.
  11. Well but if you watched the video RCT2 Ride Overview - Maze by Marcel Vos, in 9:00 he mentioned in 2020 summer the path finding algorithm was modified so the left indented maze would behave like the right indented maze, which I don't feel strongly that there is a big improvement because occasionally i still got guests stuck in some mazes.
  12. Wondering if you have watched Marcel Vos's video about the maze already....I bet yes? 😀 With the path finding algorithm in the maze, the guests would always have 75% chance to turn left because they always check and choose the path in a clockwise direction counting from the foward direction and that's why it's likely that the guests would return to the starting point of the maze in the unsolvable layout as Marcel's example of an impossible maze. My thought is if the guests have hit the same point e.g. starting grid of the maze for more than, say, 10, times, we can assume they get lost and the path finding algorithm could change the counting direction from clockwise to anticlockwise. Then the guests would be able to solve the impossible maze created by Marcel in his video. Does this make sense?😵
  13. oh i just realize I didnt share the .park file here. Thx a lot! Sixflags.park
  14. i tried both lines but either of them works ..... screenrecord.mp4 If the problem is not solvable, would u mind sharing the corrected .park file with me? thanks a lot!
  15. oh i got the right file - The file extension was hided. But then I tried pasting the one-liner here in the command terminal. Nothing changes after i entered.
  16. I tried opening the park in the usual way I do and then pasted the code I pasted in the console window(or is this the console window?). It doesn't work saying it's an unknown command.
  17. I checked both " Documents\OpenRCT2\bin (if launcher)" and " C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenRCT2\ folder" but i couldn't see the file. Would you mind taking a look at the attached screen caps? Thanks! p.s. my OpenRCT folder is in C:\Program Files\ instead and not in C:\Program Files (x86)\
  18. Thx a lot! But what's the plugin that i should download and what do you mean by running the game from the file?
  19. This is a problem caused by my mistake. I accidentally enabled the cheat and turned the scenario to the "unlimtied fund" mode. Later when i realized and disabled it, it already created guests with unlimited cash since they entered the park during the "unlimtied fund" mode. I'm wondering if there is any sorting tool that i can find out all those guests with unlimited cash? (And eliminate them LOL so I can play the scenario in a normal situation, otherwise these super rich guests would stay in the park forever) Thanks! See attached image showing guests with unlimited cash
  20. Thanks a lot! it's fixed in the latest patch! But Yes a save from before it suddenly changed in my second post you can see the file "Sixflags - bug reproduce.park"
  21. An update: I am able to reproduce the bug. When the cash count over around +$1040, the cash count will turn red and become debt (without "-" sign) Attached please find the park saved before the cash count hit +$1040. You will see the bug when it hits +$1040. And I tried using cheats which won't help. It would just turn back to debts from time to time. Thanks a lot! Sixflags - bug reproduce.park
  22. One of the requirements of the roller coaster in this scenario is that the excitement rating has to reach 7.00 And I see that your stand-up coaster doesn't fulfill that excitement rating. As a suggestion, since Standup roller coaster is hard to have a high excitement rating by nature, you could try another coaster type to complete the scenario. btw your mini/junior roller coaster doesn't fulfil excitement rating 7.0 either.
  23. Sixflags bug - Copy.parkOpenRCT2, v0.4.3-351-gb8966a8 (b8966a8 on develop) provided by GitHub Windows 10,64-bit Hi guys I got a weird bug. Getting loan would lead to an increase in debt (Cash in red digits without "-" sign in the front) Attached please find the screen cap and .park file. Thanks a lot!
  24. Are you referring the "drawing engine" as the rendering method? I'm using "software" as default.
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