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Posts posted by imlegos

  1. Most of these came from the Wikia so I wasn't too sure; Thanks for this I'll get to updating it.

    A lot of the ones I haven't done I simply don't know. Any feedback on those is appreciated.


    Also on the topic of the Hairpin, the source I found claimed that Reverchon is known for taking other's designs with their gliding coaster being taken from the Arrow prototype which is why I used Arrow, but I guess I'll change to the one that was made.

  2. I got bored and decided to edit the en-GB (English (UK)) file to instead list the rides using their actual name. Currently this supports EVERY coaster type except wooden coasters, Steeplechase, Bobsleigh, Classic Mini, and Mini Suspended as well as supports Pirate/Swinging Ship and Space Rings.



    It should be noted that due to the way they're listed in the Build New Ride/Attraction menu the Chance Rides Sea Dragon and Contactos Aerotrim will still display as Swinging Ship (UK)/Pirate Ship (US) and Space Rings respectively.
    Just replace the file located in Documents/OpenRCT2/bin/data/language. Note: Some rides will not appear in English(US) due to being renamed in the US version (Bobsleigh is renamed to Bobsled)

    Update 8/16/2018 5:20PM: Changed many ride names according to X7123M3-256's list, Made the Premier Rides LIM and Liquid Coasters consistent (Premier Rides LIM VS. Premier Liquid Coaster)
    Update 8/17/2018 11:25AM: Corrected Mack Spinning Wild Mouse to Reverchon, Zierer Junior Coaster to Zierer Force Coaster

    Update 8/31/2018 7:19PM: Corrected a few more mistakes. (Image not updated due to minor changes), Also removed the mention of having to use English(UK) as the language file as this still works with English(US)

    Update 9/1/2018 1:39PM: Added HUSS Ranger (Swinging Inverter), WDI Flying Saucers, and Intamin/Mack Bobsleigh. Previous patch note included Zierer Force Coaster being further corrected to Zierer Tivoli and Gravitron Helter Skelter.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, SpiffyJack said:

    Which version had the option to lay down a path from point A to point B with a click? I remember using it, and that's all... kinda trippin right now I can't remember

    I don't recall any RCT game having that, I know Transport Tycoon allows you to lay straight lines of rail like that though.

  4. On 12/26/2017 at 12:34, IceKnight366 said:

    I second all of this.  I've mentioned it a few times as well as the fixes that need to be done to the economy of RCT2 (for those NOT playing with unlimited cash).  Sometimes it was met with positive feedback from the mods, which I appreciate, other times not so positive feedback.  Regardless, keep up the good work guys!  I look forward to seeing all your hard work payed off!

    What are you seconding? Something that was already stated to be coming eventually when it's possible, or something that was already stated to be coming eventually when it's possible?

  5. He's not talking about a missing hud. The last dev version apparently broke the English (US) option, most text just flat out doesn't exist now.

    HOWEVER, as a temporary fix, you can use English (UK) and the game will work just fine, though you will have to put up with chips and toilets for the time being.

  6. So, this year I had the idea of taking some official maps and remaking them with a snowy/christmas style, using mostly a gingerbread wall set.

    Crazy Gingerbread Castle RC2.sc6 (RCT2 - Crazy Castle)


    5a32fac489269_CGCDetails.png.f4776d7b088617a78c48ebad663f554d.pngExtra Notes: removed most Shuttle capable coasters, Added several other rides in their place. Removed Medieval & Creepy style (To make room for...), Added Gingerbread Wall Set

    Holiday Harbor.sc6 (RCT1CF/AA Haunted Harbor)

    (Image Error)

    5a32fbc171655_HHDetails.png.f1d5427761a2707cf8c9036e35d1cf1a.pngExtra Notes: Added ATM as a researchable object, added Snow & Ice themeing


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  7. I think a problem is that some of the more well known content sites, like RCTMart and Amazing Earl have sorta... disapearred, RCTMart's been down for awhile not and I've not heard anything about Earl for awhile either. Though, since there's a lot of crossover between us and New Element it might connect to their content browser.


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