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  1. Not all object files can be downloaded from our servers. You’ll have to search for the objects (e.g. via Google) and install them manually. If you can’t find them, some other users from Mozar should be able to provide them to you. Also: please put something more descriptive than "Error" as the subject field. Other users need to be able to see what the problem is about from a glance.
  2. De foto die je aanhaalt als weblink (van Google Afbeeldingen, zo te zien) laat juist een oudere versie zien. De twee foto’s eronder - ik neem aan dat dat dan de versie is die op jouw computer is geïnstalleerd - tonen een recentere versie. Een tijdje geleden hebben we dit venster opnieuw ingedeeld. Hierbij is de knop ‘Advanced’ (NL: ‘Meer opties’) verdwenen. In plaats daarvan hebben we de tabjes anders gerangschikt. Klik je bijvoorbeeld op de schep, dan zul je daaronder de tabs zien voor ‘bovenkant land’, ‘zijkant land’ en ‘water’. Dit geldt ook voor de meeste andere tabs, onder het boompje zit bijvoorbeeld al het decor, onder het padsymbool alle padtypen, bankjes, etcetera.
  3. You have to remove the files of the old version first, just extracting the new portable ZIP over the old will cause problems with object loading. In which folder did you install OpenRCT2?
  4. De ‘G’ staat voor ‘G-kracht’. Positieve G-krachten duwen je in je achtbaanstoelje, terwijl je bij negatieve G-krachten juist omhoog komt. Als je door een looping gaat voel je dat bijvoorbeeld goed. Zijwaartste G-krachten (in het Engels ‘Lateral G forces’) duwen je opzij. Als je te hard door een bocht gaat kun je dat goed voelen. In je screenshot staan ze in het rood, dus die zijn hier het probleem. Waarschijnlijk gaat jouw achtbaan ergens te hard door een bocht, of heb je vergeten een bocht schuin te leggen. Dat is meestal de oorzaak van overmatige zijwaartse G-krachten. Als je je screenshot plaatst kan ik daar meer over zeggen.
  5. Can you upload your save, or upload a screenshot that clearly shows the whole coaster? We cannot say anything about your coaster if we cannot see it. I can help you in Dutch or German if needed. Otherwise, we can try to explain it in very simple terms. @BEplayer It’s a nice offer, but online translators are generally not very good for this kind of thing, especially when trying to translate English into smaller languages.
  6. Judging from the screenshots, I think you may have placed two of them too closely together, so that one train covers two of them at a time. Besides removing ones that are too closely together, you can also simply lower the amount of cars by one.
  7. This is because we fixed some stuff in OpenRCT2, it is not related to having RCT1 linked. The author of the Peep Editor, Manticore_007 has actually updated it, but has not made a release for some reason. I have just sent him a DM asking to make a beta release. He does share it via Discord, but that’s not much use if you’re here :')
  8. Ik ga er even vanuit dat je beter Nederlands spreekt dan Engels (gezien je tweetalige bericht). Op welke manier ziet je spel er anders uit? Kun je dat wat verder toelichten? Op basis van je omschrijving vermoed ik dat het koppelen met RCT1 niet goed is gelukt.
  9. Which guide did you follow exactly? Our official guide recommends using Steam Play and doesn’t require the console (and so does the old wiki page), but maybe you found an old guide? Anyway, I recommend following the steps as outlined by the documentation, which are here: https://docs.openrct2.io/en/latest/installing/installing-on-linux-bsd.html#steam
  10. As of a few weeks, the Ubuntu builds are built against Ubuntu 24.04 (which is the base of Linux Mint 22.x) and won’t work on earlier versions. This is because we started running into compiler issues on 22.04, with builds often failing or running out of memory. We’re not happy about having to drop it, but the reality is that our team is stretched thin and we have to keep development speed. TL;DR: it will work again if you upgrade to Linux Mint 22.x.
  11. I can’t fault you for that. I’m not terribly happy with it either, but we’re stretched thin and sometimes have to make choices like this to keep development going.
  12. I cannot reproduce the problem either, even after removing all path tiles in the park. Assuming it has been fixed in the meantime.
  13. Ah right, that’s two separate problems, then. Compiler troubles have recently caused us to drop Ubuntu 22.04 and earlier, including derivatives like Linux Mint. You’ll need something with Ubuntu 24.04 as its base, like LM 22.x. (So while Dubaifreak’s suggestion of upgrading was a good one after all.) Could you upload the save that causes crashes? It’s possible that the crash has been solved since, but I want to make that sure.
  14. Does this problem still occur? If so, I’ll take a look.
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