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Everything posted by Przemek

  1. Przemek

    Group Park 6

    Ive build a simple rollercoaster (from saved design), and topspin1 in forgotten location. This place definitely needs a care from others. Added some scenery and italian-spain themeing for a rollercoaster station. Also check my small place with a fountain and benches to rest Claimed:Queue: @Wuis, saxman1089,TheMightyClemMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Przemek, jensj12, giraty, Broxzier The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.59.sv6
  2. Przemek

    Group Park 6

  3. Przemek

    Group Park 6

    @Wuis Yes, im ready. Add me to the queue.
  4. Przemek

    Group Park 6

    hello, may i join to the queue ? thanks
  5. hello allowing custom content on servers made connecting to them almost impossible
  6. Przemek

    Group Park 2

    @Broxzier > There's no V2.76, is there? my mistake, yes, it should be 2.76
  7. Przemek

    Group Park 2

    First Ive created 2 pre-build coasters and go-karts , then i noticed its only 1 ride per turn allowed, so i razed these three. And placed a pre-build coaster named: "White" , adding some tweaks nearby, and i kept building scenery. Here's his stats. Next In Line: @Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, imlegos, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, SquabMissed Turn: @Philmon11 , Enner, Xbalogan Luckily no coaster crashed But those constant messages are annoying ___________________________ Community Park V2.77.sv6 ___________________________ My OpenRCT2 version is: OpenRCT2-0.0.4-develop-b1734
  8. Przemek

    Group Park 2

    claiming it ( so ive guess i have 48 hours for this) Claimed: PrzemekNext In Line: Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, imlegos, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, SquabMissed Turn: Philmon11 , Enner, Xbalogan
  9. Przemek

    Group Park 2

    looks like guests are lost trying to go forest race
  10. try adding your IP in your network to the port forwarding i have and works fine
  11. Hello, Just recently finished a park with other players. Thanks to: Ric Ultima, Benine, Ply22, Rct Player, Ilbe, Jake, Player, Ivysau, Mr Computah. The idea was to create a themepark on 10x200 tiles. No big rollercoasters, only rct1 (wooden, looping, corkscrew, inverted) and gentle rollercoasters. Ive dropped a save and some screenshots. Please rate. Cheers 10x200 park 23.sv6
  12. silly question, but how do you make train tracks blend in with paths ? this blue rollercoaster looks very polished nice
  13. Przemek

    Group Park 2

    i want to participate
  14. beautiful entrance im waiting for more attractions/rides for me its too much bushes
  15. oh i can see my rides very nice park
  16. hello, i have issues with landscape tool, when i use it the grid raises or lowers terrain too fast for me its very frustrating thanks
  17. thats the error when i tried to join official server
  18. OK, bumping my own thread So i managed joining private servers without passwords,game runs good, sometimes it loses connection with server and it switches to solo playing.... so reconnecting is a must. My problems with main server are: somehow game dont allow to play on it.... I dont know why, maybe custom assets ? or map too big? and also issue is: there are malicious players who delete every ride, and all money spend on terrain raising and then lowering so money shrinks in seconds.... (so ride-locking or something like that must be implemented in newest versions) thanks Przemek
  19. im using build OpenRCT2-0.0.3-develop-b1489 also i allowed game in windows firewall
  20. Hello, game is running good at single player. Unfortunately when joining server it crashes (game downloads objects like 1770/1775) and thats it. My windows is 7 Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: openrct2.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 504d6947 Fault Module Name: openrct2.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 565c3e08 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 000e39c8 OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 00f5 Additional Information 2: 00f52fe4cff71f8df4dcc0e6d855a671 Additional Information 3: 2a28 Additional Information 4: 2a288203b26c3f0bbb22dbb3445b5b40 Thank you for fixing game in future releases.
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