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I just saw in options -> advanced you can choose a folder for RCT1 too. Does this mean openrct2 can also play all scenarios of RCT1?


Are all expansions of RCT1 and RCT2 supported too? Do I just need to install the expansions in the folder of the original game or are there more settings required to run the expansions in openrct2 (for RCT1 and RCT2)?



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2 hours ago, jessicajones said:

Does this mean openrct2 can also play all scenarios of RCT1?


Yes. But they'll be opened in RCT2, so they won't be identical to the originals (some RCT1 rides weren't in RCT2, for example). I believe that improved RCT1 support is planned, but some features will require the new save format (which is currently being worked on).


2 hours ago, jessicajones said:

Are all expansions of RCT1 and RCT2 supported too?

Expansions for RCT2 are supported (since they're just a collection of content with no actual changes to the game, there's no way they wouldn't be). I'm not sure what the expansions for RCT1 were - as I understand it OpenRCT2 should be able to open all RCT1 parks.

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