Foxbox Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 (edited) Hi. Here are savegames of 'most' of the career parks as 'befor end' savegames. After you load a park, it takes a few secounds and it will end in a victory (usually saved at 31. oct. year X ). Some of them have lots of details and some others are pure efficiency. But all of them should result in a victory. Only use them, when you already have finished the career by yourself, otherwise you will be a cheater ;D. I know, that open rct 2 offers a "Win Scenario" button, but this project was started befor i had open rct 2 installed. And i just wanted to finish it. And maybe you like some of the parks in here. The parks with unlimited time have also the most details (except for Sugarloaf Shore...). One of my personal favorite, that dosnt use unlimited money is: Inca Lost City. I also tried to keep the flair of each individual park. There are also parks, that i dont like. And it mostly has something to do, that they are boring. One of them is: Gemini City. There you have basicly a flat land. No Hills -> No Fun! (and im also not a fan of floating sci-fi roads). From the difficulty perspective, there are two parks that i remember. The first one is: Icy Adventures and the secound one Jurassic Safari. The famouse Rainbow Summit was just ok, because as you will see in the savegames, my build order is based on flatrides and only a few rollercoasters. When i get a hight limit, i just dont care Enough text. Lets get to the downloads: (The Keys are in Red. Copy it and click on the image to get to the download) Beginner Parks Download File Name File Size Download-Key Taliis_01 Alcatraz.SV6 1.2 MB !NtWzVeRXGKPdJQDdWtQHsqQN1ZsXlhBX367MfPI2Qag Taliis_02 Sherwood Forest.SV6 633 KB !G1Fl0GbNEaMa2HE5__6-6Z2cSoyUWrkSu1C7YMzMfFY Taliis_03 Woodstock.SV6 873 KB !IYR7fp0lQmNMmm9vDqHTJIs4__qIrOe9FdAPXuEXXy4 Taliis_04 Crater_Carnage.SV6 756 KB !kUFbNmw-8WwYTk0a32gpjjr4rKXKBwV6ynQlzRRWoaU Taliis_05 Over_The_Edge.SV6 968 KB !faUYvFECiGYyMmFipZKF76BAuLD3IQ42LR88_PdjyXI Taliis_06 Great_Wall_of_China.SV6 657 KB !F3kTnwiRjKzi8eA1FPkiUwwlDzYkzCccnyQ-0E-GdO0 Taliis_07 Canyon_Calamities.SV6 965 KB !Asj8CfipwrmzZG23RFIn24NvqM3sgd7yQlKeTihi-kA Taliis_08 Sugarloaf_Shores.SV6 508 KB !Wyghf-G0MCQclwNlGOwNQ0sw6raJVJ9b51SDxc9Ku0k Taliis_09 Electric_Fields.SV6 570 KB !twVG1cuLVv_U8z2UcnVf8BjZYzISJ_rd8KuVVIRun-0 Taliis_10 Factory_Capers.SV6 845 KB !-YmQ8BuZ_9_ISqLvUSYNYhrYqyYXYiFqJqhrCRc2Lbo Taliis_11 Crazy_Castle.SV6 838 KB !Uakr24pFXRdR-cZlWouxJpCrHtYZux_xez3Ucx29mi4 Download Pack: 01 - Beginner Parks 8,62 MB (click) !FKssR9OPNMvCfzmDoJR4JQ Challengeing Parks Taliis_01 Schneider Shores.SV6 876 KB !tyTNNobrrRPVPjAJbvPlv03dPyKGUghqMUBrRG9ShhATaliis_02 Cliffside Castle.SV6 805 KB !0THBOX1nUaFVzGFVmLEMGbAlTmokfEMBcc6a9gKndjoTaliis_03 Animatronic Antics.SV6 991 KB !0VHGSaQWNKtECcU6yM1OsooLG3FV6ib9e56267sG3y8Taliis_04 Jurassic Safari.SV6 1.2 MB !FMLkkRWEG5zOXS7fMiZSA38lcDANXVHm7EdJ52Fsm4cTaliis_05 Extraterrestrial Extravaganza.SV6 1.0 MB !KVzNeJ51nF3WD7O7iwJxoay60rQDdY9SWJTe--h96i4Taliis_06 Mines of Africa.SV6 718 KB !s0LfVoFXRoEhORb3kr0EX4gK1v98kAdThjjAOd1lViMTaliis_07 Park Maharaja.SV6 694 KB !L6cp5ZwcTFMUqc4qLLRppgpMBbozVOmVs2poOxilhBwTaliis_08 Ayers Adventure.SV6 911 KB !8-7p5sa93MH7Zos8gVldJmQ5Z9d1Gnc4CDeTuWeQINQTaliis_09 European Extravaganza.SV6 963 KB !HF7OdWOKlaBaDkYKUC3o_EhosU7TmXG6WKJceE3ovB4Taliis_10 Rollercoaster Heaven.sv6 1.1 MB !n0AMO9ygyWWPivzZ2KpYiA7IAwnZZAE_e_7IepOqiJsTaliis_11 Inca Lost City.sv6 835 KB !K65vPaqovV9LINRDiaUbCr9v2VY9Ij50stXMUfjLDjMTaliis_12 Amity Airfield.sv6 1.2 MB !6tdj-vBWVG413vsRJw7_xNtW2WUfaFDL0JQh4MIC9kITaliis_13 Dusty Greens.sv6 576 KB !cTwS5Nbo--KLqS9SrCPX4wK-f3Kf8hAf9RmIN1SoRXATaliis_14 Fungus Woods.sv6 954 KB !RVkzVlKXnPtClYNw8YBM40dc9Q4jEgmqfCWzgTa0u2MTaliis_15 Infernal Views.sv6 1.1 MB !6QuunNwjQvkPaUWOfRZs4diPwxpjrOBKDC9Il7R4KIATaliis_16 Botany Breakers.sv6 1.0 MB !Hw5fAHu3eJuavUQSVpbTQ_OG77pdfHOVv30xY2_UFFATaliis_17 Bumbly Bazaar.sv6 494 KB !nYIL3A9zkU3RNC64tS38yxKHsp-X3VaRfi0y2fu9o1YTaliis_18 Gravity Gardens.sv6 1.3 MB !TiYac8CPe5Cwibx1sDzju9gEFpG60wVHxvCWSvsC1RA Download Pack: 02 - Challenging Parks 16,4 MB (click) !PLUE0iqpUyi7yW-wnHLnEw Expert Parks Taliis_01 Mirage Madness.sv6 1.1 MB !EgGVbd0a0C_QHhRteH4Em7HQgLa5fA6AiAkd-p48T8YTaliis_02 Icy Adventures.sv6 849 KB !rzr4sfR07HZzGcJ5m03bwLnhrcgzLNFMGchTGYZRpFcTaliis_03 Okinawa Coast.sv6 1.1 MB !WAJMnjINau9noLVO-txPiuYNNifzxpm061GxvbJ6H4MTaliis_04 Beach Barbecue Blast.sv6 971 KB !4QxHUb9Gd2eYWaPXjFaztaMOsjlaX0kUDxH4EqXPgiITaliis_05 From The Ashes.sv6 1.7 MB !mxoa5GiIFQCKg54UKj2X_IvumQZjVmT9y4rBIMh_Ju0Taliis_06 Wacky Waikiki.sv6 845 KB !tCrdacJvxInV-K3kWlb_InGmCehDX43N40TrlfEof2MTaliis_07 Rainforest Romp.sv6 786 KB !AjbkQ9cqYHQj7B5jHOVYWwDV1DIrR9-8qCFkpPJyRpgTaliis_08_Metropolis.sv6 663 KB !KFx35P0JCP07dKxGpX2JDKx1ASMuJiAbqukYWkBWB20Taliis_09 Mythological Madness.sv6 752 KB !F6LEn1WXTk-yFBb43K3pYgBlAbJ8UbQa-UbTs7GKLaYTaliis_10_Rock´n´Roll-Revival.sv6 873 KB !YlMlK0xS-KOKq0ZZvD2zYuSqkn8dT7_pV-ynJDe2tYQTaliis_11 Rocky Rambles.sv6 717 KB !KXsfz-iNIiFsGTUl0eIJJ7raFY9Qg3Qx8GHONKdW3QUTaliis_12 Gemini City.sv6 1.2 MB !z6xtWYHDUWhO2R7lb3XTZeM7pZ7sWirvbTZy92YnN68Taliis_13 Alpine Adventures.sv6 784 KB !rrv27YjCyMfN-XaxHcOydcrt97A0nJ5eJY3n84UMQRMTaliis_14 Extreme Heights.sv6 1.8 MB !XbzGG6LgFgMcNOijuN8wDdCl9GJ1CUyOIWEglUKukCgTaliis_15 Ghost Town.sv6 789 KB !TAqYtLHOmToJMeTenw90rRQM0LZ4G3TMbIjgNpygrOMTaliis_16 Lucky Lake.sv6 1.0 MB !m0bhFHwnBkhW5ibtW8AsV2S2T-IzSg0WlPOo33KO9kQTaliis_17 Rainbow Summit.sv6 1.1 MB !7qiCbUfk9_udlD_dVL6P0-LDDK5NNz9fNRGYTAIa2IE Download Pack: 03 - Expert Parks 16,9 MB (click) !soKMT9FUyaRFTvT5u7oxAA 'Real' Parks Taliis_01_Six Flags Belgien.sv6 1.4 MB !LMcR10WZSS9ya933Br71f1JmQpgHXIk-dYCX173zryUTaliis_02_Six Flags Great Adventure.sv6 1.5 MB !zd-hVo5M_g0GHBDK5vYH_VT-nEvCsV3tbCsNq9SWd0sTaliis_03_Six Flags Holland.sv6 908 KB !58Ap4Lo6SRQk1C6yKFlzcS0u52JVDJm9oy5-piL2alsTaliis_04_Six Flags Magic Mountain.sv6 1.4 MB !A6F8gRTGeaH-L7xOog7CRM89MG1W7cKvvwvPUa3UcsUTaliis_05_Six Flags over Texas.sv6 1.4 MB !HcNatSI3c0uDU6HDnGnksQYeR_DI12vno6gCmW6CrtY Download Pack: 04 - Real Parks 6,68 MB (click) !ZgApgygNbuikQ6SCSErX_Q 'Build your own ...' Parks Not Finished. ---> waiting for feedback of the other parks Not Finished. ---> waiting for feedbackof the other parks Not Finished. ---> waiting for feedbackof the other parks Not Finished. ---> waiting for feedbackof the other parks Not Finished. ---> waiting for feedbackof the other parks Im not an expert in RCT2 and im more specialized in Nolimits / Nolimits 2. Thats why those parks dosnt look good. (yes, all of them are ugly as hell) Hmm. What now... I have done this with RCT 1 and RCT 2 (and i dont really like RCT 3 -> that means, i wont do the same for RCT 3). Maybe i'll try to create my own career/scenarios in rct2, too. But they they will be a lot harder than the original one. Something like: "Infernal Difficulty" or so. What do you think about this idea? Thanks for reading and have fun with those savegames. If something dosnt work, please let me know in the comments. if you like this anyway, then you might considering this: Edited January 3, 2017 by Foxy 4
Nubbie Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 I must say this topic is incredibly structured and creative Impressive! not to mention the furs which is icing on the cake The passwords seems a bit unnecessary but will still try some maps when I get home 1
Foxbox Posted January 3, 2017 Author Posted January 3, 2017 3 hours ago, Nubbie said: The passwords seems a bit unnecessary but will still try some maps when I get home Im using those passwords to navigate other users through and when i add the password to the URL, this message board seems to not convert the url properly (or i just had bad luck) -> This hoster ALWAYS uses passwords. But they also provide a high speed download for free. At least over 5mb/s. Im also hosting some pretty nasty stuff for research there. To create a defence against malware, you first need malware. And this password-system saves other people from accidently download a wrong file. 1
Nubbie Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 56 minutes ago, Foxy said: Im also hosting some pretty nasty stuff for research there. To create a defence against malware, you first need malware. And this password-system saves other people from accidently download a wrong file. Well that's .. nice, still, you could probably upload the saves on the forum xox 1
YoloSweggLord Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 Pretty impressive first post. It's pretty well structured and the graphics blend nicely with the text. 9 hours ago, Nubbie said: not to mention the furs which is icing on the cake Classic Nubbie... speaking of that, someone needs to tell Dobie about this thread 1
cascadia Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 Great post! The only thing you need is some changes to fix some spelling errors.
Foxbox Posted January 3, 2017 Author Posted January 3, 2017 I could write everything in german. Then it would be flawless grammar 1
Phoenix Posted November 24, 2019 Posted November 24, 2019 three parks dont work can you reupload? Bumbly Bazaar Ghost Town Sixflags Holland
Capi2649 Posted February 24, 2021 Posted February 24, 2021 Hi Files dont seem to be here any more any one know where you can get them ???
Tracie Posted June 24, 2022 Posted June 24, 2022 I know I'm likely grasping at straws here, but can anyone who managed to get these parks re-share them? Thank you and happy day wishes. 😁
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