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  1. It might be helpful to remove your old RCT2 installation (or rename it in case your still have save data there). OpenRCT2 will then automatically search in common install locations. You can also manually point it to the new install location by editing the config file.
  2. C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\OpenRCT2\track
  3. It's currently only in the development version of the game. It will be included in the next release (or switch to the develop version if you want it sooner).
  4. From your description it seems that the Switch itself erases all files when closing the app (including settings and all index files which take time to rebuild). You might get more help in communities for the Switch instead of OpenRCT2. I assume similar issues arise with other games that are manually ported to the switch.
  5. Where did you get the link? It might need some refreshing. Until then, other links to that server might still work.
  6. There is currently an issue with objects disappearing after save/load (they're no longer invented). Enabling the ignore research cheat should get it to work again. See #21496.
  7. You can always open a park with expansion objects even if you don't own them and they will function properly (the simulation will run exactly the same). The only difference is that you won't be able to see the expansion objects.
  8. Assuming you do have access to a working disc drive on your Linux machine and already got OpenRCT2 to work with vanilla RCT2. I'm not sure how the file structure on the CD is. If it's just plain data files, move them to the corresponding folder in your RCT2 (not OpenRCT2) folder on your machine. If it's an installer, you will first need to extract the files from it. You might be able to unzip it by changing the extension, but otherwise I don't know.
  9. It seems that queue line TVs and entertainers can help increase this time.
  10. Can't post a challenge without completing it yourself. MiniChallange.park
  11. You need RCT2 to run OpenRCT2. RCT Deluxe is RCT1, which can be linked to OpenRCT2 to unlock some extra features, but it's not enough in itself to run the game.
  12. Make sure you have the relevant expansion (Time Twister) enabled in the dropdown in the top-right. It might be set to vanilla RCT2 only.
  13. For quick yet difficult challenges, I usually setting unusually tight constraints on the number of tiles used. For example:
  14. The title sequence editor is now a plugin (and thus no longer ships with OpenRCT2 by default):
  15. The problem with most track pieces is the artwork required for it. A chainlift isn't just added to a track piece, it's a whole new track piece with its own artwork. The zero-g rolls that currently exist were added by someone who put in a lot of work to get the graphics right, which is a very tedious task. New track pieces will be added to coasters when there is a sufficient audience for it and someone does the artwork (it has to match the existing artwork as well, which I think is the biggest issue). Getting currently non-existing pieces to work (such as beyond vertical drops) is the 'easy' part. So the idea is there, it's just a ton of work and therefore takes time (for an open source project, that means years).
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