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  1. That sounds fantastic. I would sure love to locate many of the objects I'm missing. So many of the parks won't open for me since I don't have them all. What a shame that so many quit playing through the years and so many items and tracks and parks were lost. But I get burning out a bit, I did too for a few years, but I'm glad to be back. Its giving me some fun during all of my free time stuck here at home. I'm holding out hope that more will become interested again because of Open RCT. I can Upload online for you, I can make use of File Factory, or maybe Dropbox or Google drive? You can PM me if you like. 😊
  2. I'm not doing my best but I've been very interested in getting more items, so I've been throwing myself into downloading and opening parks as well. I'm so excited hearing about your undertaking, I bet that's lots of work but I'm sure its a labor of love. Its such a joy to throw myself back into the game after so many years away from it. Although I'm nowhere near as talented as many of the other players out there. I'm finally trying my hand though at making some coaster designs. My gosh I'm not good at it. Lol. Let me know if you'd still like my data files. Warning, they're not organized at all and you may end up seeing duplicate files. I have a file factory account if you're able to download from there. PM me any time. I'm Tracie over at NE as well as here. 😊
  3. I love this idea and would happily contribute if someone gets it started!
  4. I'm not sure what if have now that isn't already available. But I tend to be a hoarder about saving found tracks, data files, and parks. So its likely that I may have more you would want to add. If you want, I could zip up my entire data folder ( I think my main folder has over 16,000 files. But I likely have more on my portable hard drives. Plus I played the original games way back in the day when they first came out and I know I saved data files on DVDs back then. I'd have to hunt those out, they're packed away somewhere in our junk room. They might contain more content that I've even forgotten about. Now, the issue is in a bit of a wait. I'm currently hospitalized at the moment, hopefully just a few days or so. And I can get that first file to you as soon as I'm out. I can upload it to my Dropbox or elsewhere. I think when I checked the contents, it was a bit less than two GB. Im not even sure, can we send each other pms on here. I can PM you my email so you'll know who I am when you get the file. Tracie
  5. I know I'm likely grasping at straws here, but can anyone who managed to get these parks re-share them? Thank you and happy day wishes. 😁
  6. Pirate cove and Royal Gardens are the parts I like the most. Its all great though. 🙂
  7. Tracie

    Wilson Gardens

    Oh this was lovely. Its a shame that it is no longer available.
  8. Tracie

    Coasters & Co.

    These look great, thank you for sharing them! 😺
  9. Playing today on a park I had made and in doing so, hit upon the exact issue as another member here posted recently. I cannot delete the maze in this park. When I try, I get those same z's and the game crashes. I've tried repeatedly with no luck. This is a new issue, I haven't had it happen before this. I'm attaching the park here, can someone please help me? Thanks so much and have a very happy day. ________________________________ Just as an update....I managed to come up a remedy to this issue, I messed around with adding to the maze under construction, changed the entrance and exit, and then opened and closed the ride. Lo and behold, I was able to delete. So for now, that works for me.
  10. Here you go, sorry for the wait. I'Depot Circus 2022.parkm a new member so can only make so many posts per day. I hope this was what you were looking for. I added individual scenery items, as well as all of the Circus Depot object tabs that I have. 🙂
  11. Fantastic track! 😀
  12. I'm so glad these were still available. I've gotten back into RCT after many many years of non play as a way of coping with serious health concerns. And I'm having a blast again. Thank you for these, they're quite good. I have a fondness for the micro coasters.
  13. They look wonderful, thank you for sharing them. 😊
  14. Would you by chance still want these files? I can set up a small park with what I have if you do.
  15. I wish these were still available, they look like nice tracks to have.
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