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Everything posted by OddmentsAlchemyLab

  1. From Reddit: 999x999 max map size (from 254x254) 255 trains per ride (from 31) 256 spawn points (up from 2) 255 stations 2047 small objects 2047 large objects 2047 wall objects 2047 ride types 255 combined path types 255 banner objects 255 path addition objects 16777216 tile elements 65535 sprites 1000 rides in a park
  2. I have a couple of these parks (Holland Park & Six Flags Holland; there are a number of these released) as well as some of the ride/shop objects. Some you likely have, honestly. The "Ripsaw" and "Tilted Whirler" are so common as to be essentially "base pack." I can post these, but they are widely available and easy to find. The "Taco Bell" is simply a shop that sells hamburgers (the version I have) but I think there are a couple different versions - as well as a shop version of almost every fast food chain I can think of. "Mjw" pulls up nothing as a search term so it may be in the link, but not the file name. Or it is and I simply do not have it. De Efteling has multiple builds and even a custom object set, but adding "Beta" pulls up nothing. The side-friction with go kart trains sounds like the kind of custom ride that could fall through the cracks as it's likely not a common customization (a cool idea, nonetheless). In short - This list is a mixed bag of "widely available" and "lost to time". I know there is an effort to rebuild a lot of these old sites over at RCTspace and this is probably the best place to dig around and retry links to see what's been restored. I did find a lot of parks/objects at which is partially functioning. These are not widely shared in the more common custom object sets/Workbenches (Xtreme97, AVL, 1K, etc.). There are a lot of unique objects and it is well worth mining (it is up as of today). Caution - you'll end up with a lot of duplication due to foreign naming, there are a ton of broken links which will test your patience, and some object creators neglected convention and their objects suffer from bad perspectives, unworkable color palettes, wonky scaling, and poor cohesion with overall game aesthetic. Still worth it just for the incredible amount of ride trim.
  3. I'd check out NEDesigns. They will have multiple options for you. They have a variety of landblocks/pathblocks for basically all of the land textures in the game. Two of the more active creators currently have each added a bunch of these type of blocks in particular over the past ~year. You'll find more than you need.
  4. Added below. Glad I could help out! BIKELF.DAT BIKERT.DAT
  5. These are set to ride on the center of the track (attached) There are also versions that stay to one side (left or right) of the track. Let me know if you'd like these. Otherwise, here's the Center Track version: BIKECT.DAT
  6. I am not sure I can help, but I dug around my object files and have ideas. I am working on PC, so if this doesn't relate, I apologize. 1. The sub-file "Official/Ride" should not be in the OpenRCT2 file in your Documents folder. This is typically installed as C:/Program Files/OpenRCT2/Data/Object/Official/Ride. I don't know that this will fix anything, but unless the install is custom, then the game likely won't be able to locate the "Official/Ride" folder in its current location. I could be wrong, but I think this makes this folder unused. 2. There are two Hybrid trains that say official when selecting them in-game. This is the same with the Single Rail. The "Real Official" ride objects are in the "Official/Ride" folder in my game and is listed in the folder list you've provided. The file names are: openrct2.ride.hybrid_coaster openrct2.ride.single_rail_coaster If I'm not mistaken, these are the two with complete sprite sets for the newer track pieces. 3. In my custom objects folder (The one in my "Documents" folder) I have "official.rmct2" as you do. But I also have "openrct2.ride.rmct2" (as well as rmct1 in the same convention). Just a guess, but is it possible that the game is looking for the second one and not the one that you currently have installed? I am attaching "openrct2.ride.rmct2" in case you lost it in your migration. If this does not help, there may be some nesting issues with your folders. openrct2.ride.rmct2.parkobj
  7. I am not sure if we have the same issue, but I have a number of parks that will not open for various reasons. 1. Some parks will either crash the program or simply return me to the main menu without error messages. I assume that these have to do with trainers that were used that I do have or do not have currently installed. 2. I've not cleaned up my files as outlines above and will do so today. But as noted, these are for the base game assets and do not necessarily cover custom objects. 3. Most that won't open have missing objects, and a list is provided by the error report. Some of this may be corrected by the clean-up steps given previously, but some of these can't be properly corrected. On PC, my base objects are in my "C/Program Files/OpenRCT2/data" folder. My custom objects are in "Documents/OpenRCT2/Objects." Obviously setups differ and I'm a dofus - so don't use mine as more than a map. You may also have a separate RCT/RCT2 program file where you installed the original game. You can check which folder your game is calling on in "Options" from the main menu, under the "Advanced" tab. 4. Missing Objects - Custom. If you have a park that calls for CSO that you do not have, you will instead receive the "Missing Object" list. Unfortunately, there is no library for these missing objects. If the park creator did not package the objects with the park, these objects may be gone forever. They may have been available as separate downloads with the original park release or pulled from an on-line library that no longer exists. The only option is to find* or replace** the objects. *Finding the objects comes down to luck and legwork. You'll have to search, ask around, and cross your fingers. People are usually more than eager to help out if they have some rare thing the community needs. I worked with another player who is still around, sharing object files and rare finds, building my collection and it's exciting to find that one park that completes a scenery group or has that rare object that unlocks more than one park. But - as you'd imagine - it does get harder and harder to find those dusty hard drives and obscure web links. **Here's a bad idea - replacing objects. You you receive a message telling you that you need "MISSINGOBJ1.DAT" you can simply create a "MISSINGOBJ1.DAT" file and place it in your object folder. Whatever you used in your "MISSINGOBJ1.DAT" will show up for the missing object and allow you to open the park. If the missing object was a tree and the object you make is a smiley face, then any instance of the original tree will be replaced with a smiley face - which may not be the result you want and could corrupt other users collections if shared. If you try this, I'd suggest removing the spoof object from your object folder after opening the park. I'll share a quick story. I had a number of parks that would not open due to missing files that had the name "PARK##.DAT". The naming convention apparently created by renaming all of the objects used in a single park. None of these objects were new or unique - just renamed for no apparent reason. I have found most of these duplicate objects, but still have a couple of parks that won't open for what is probably a renamed bush or lamp that I have under a different name. Frustrating. If you do find that you are missing objects, post a list. I have ~10k park/scenarios and ~31k custom object files and don't mind rummaging.
  8. No worries. I did not save the ride when I made it, so I redid it per your request and took some screen shots. I show the stats side-by-side so you can see that the layout and ride time is essentially the same. I added no theme or path work, no station, no fence, nothing. Just the track for reference. That said, I'd love to lift and theme this one. It's a simple layout with low throughput - but I think it could be a standout in a kiddie park. One note: I set my chainlift to 10 mph. This could be the reason for the speed discrepancy.
  9. I came back to add some thoughts after going through them. 1. Your RMC game is on-point. The mobius in "X-mas Shelter" was a pleasant surprise. The hybrids in "Great Fiesta Funland" and "Carnival Wharf" are fantastic. A bit of a tunnel fetish perhaps, but the stats and layouts are so good. 2. I wanted to comment on your architecture. "Gertie's Garden" has to be seen. The Spanish inspired mini-mansion is really sharp and the grounds are well conceived. I personally enjoy the "Build a Park at My Place" scenarios and this one is classic. The amount of work you put into your stations (until, I assume, the burnout began) is really nice. This adds an extra challenge to match your aesthetic for those, like me, who are more build inclined. 3. I am unreasonably prejudiced against snow parks having been raised in the heat - but you finally made one that I will play. Since your alien crash site scenario, I check all canyons. "Crazy Crevasse" may just be my first snow park. Burnout sucks. I'm trying to find a new time waster myself. RCT replaced other things - other things will replace RCT. But this does have a hook. I wish I'd been into it when there was more excitement and activity around the game. Still - thanks for the added flavor. All the best to you.
  10. My numbers may be off, but this makes something like 80 scenarios(?) over three releases. And straight to the point, these are 80 of the BEST landscapes and layouts available. Obviously its disappointing, but thanks for how much you've added! I am excited to check this release out and sort them into my favorites file (where so much of your work has landed). Maybe its not burnout - maybe you just emptied the clip. If you come back to it - that will be great. But if not, you retire with respect and appreciation. I'll probably try out "Odd Islands" first, but I like "Mine Based" landscapes so "Mediocre Mine" caught my eye. Not sure if your "No Starting Restrooms" at Lake Lullaby is a callout to the infamous "No Bathrooms" scenario. Either way - fantastic release, a nice cap to your trilogy, enjoy your retirement, personally hoping you retire like a pro athlete and will be back soon - LOL.
  11. I made a wooden coaster version of your mine train. It is slightly larger/longer d/t the transition between flat and banked pieces, but it is otherwise the same layout with the same heights and the camera at the top of the first hill (consider placing these at more exciting points in the ride - though I do not think this really affects the photo shop rate or stats). The train length is reduced from 9 cars to 7 for the train type. Objectively, this improves the stats across the board (Excitement increases from 5.21 to 5.8; Intensity decreases from 9.61 to 7.74 and nausea is reduced from 5.94 to 4.12). I get nauseous just thinking about nausea so I am a stickler for low-medium ratings. Subjectively, I don't feel like it captures the charm of your original design.
  12. Disclaimer: calling the following "pro-tips" would be malpractice. First - I did not know how much ducks struggle to fly through a field of water spouts. Now I do. They struggle mightily. Second - I downloaded and did a quick rework of your boomerang mine train. This train/track type does not have banked slopes, which is why your intensity, nausea, and and Lateral G forces are so high. Putting a banked turn at the top of the hill reduced the lateral G forces from 3.95 (and in the red) to 0.88. The other stats reduced as well, making a better fit as a kiddie coaster (as mine trains tend to be). The family boomerang models that I've seen tend to have small hills for air time, but I really like the swooped hill you built into the camera with the 180 curve into the return hill. My design used a simpler "U" shape and the stats are far batter than your "S" layout - but visually, I like your layout much more. You can improve this ride type by taking the curves out of your hills and putting banked turns at the plateaus. The length of the train should make it easy to complete the ride circuit, but you may have some small adjustments to make sure the train doesn't valley. I'd suggest the "U" layout for this and this will increase your footprint. However, if you are not married to the mine train for this layout, I'd change the ride type to a wooden coaster and use the banked slopes which will layout a lot like your original vision. It's a simple layout, but it is a cool one. This would be the option I'd choose. Note: 4.6 was released yesterday and there are more banked slope pieces throughout, but apparently not for the mine train.
  13. All three are included in the attached zip file. I have three versions of the Zipper - a shoestring version (Monster Truck base), a version built on the twist ride, and one built on the swinging inverted ship. I've included the last one (Swinging Inverted Ship) but can upload the others if desired. The version included is the easiest and best looking, in my opinion. The Star Trooper (Para-trooper) was a surprise. I did not think I had one. It looks great when running as the cars fly outward as shown in your image above. The Wave Swinger by the legendary SpaceK is a shoestring based on the car ride. I don't do much shoestring stuff personally, but the sprites looks great and as shoestrings go, this looks fairly basic. Included: ZIPPER.DAT setroope.dat ZWSW40.DAT CARNIVAL
  14. "Brief" and "Google" are rarely effective. I will post the links to the sites where these can currently be downloaded. However, keep an eye out for the new object maker at New Element. It is not complete, but what is released is fantastic. These wonderful resources will be obsolete soon. Reddit and NE seem to have the better collections of resources, but RCTSpace is primed to make a comeback. Speaking of, RCTSpace has the link for the RCTObjectEditor123d The RideMaker and PathMaker are Buggy's and you can find these here There are a lot of interesting places you can go from these links - objects, parks, scenarios, etc. Worth digging around.
  15. The high intensity is probably due to the number of drops and the high floater Gs. Longer runs can help with both of these. If you look at a lot of the "Non-twister/Non-boardwalk" layouts from GCI or Gravity Group, there are more low hill, longer runs. These will increase air time and reduce hills (and the high floater G you have). If nothing else, adjusting the heights of the hills on the return run (higher to lower) will get the intensity and excitement to balance better. The hard turn after the 2nd drop is a bit much and may be driving up your nausea rating. A wooden coaster is relatively easy to keep the nausea in the medium range and making this a curved rise would not quite be ideal, but it would likely bring your nausea down. I'd start at the top of the second rise and do a curved drop going into a some longer runs with perhaps a double up on the return. I'd also like to see some theming. I love the new terrain types and this is the blue mulch(?). I think a station should be minimum for a complete concept. You're a passionate, prolific builder. Tackle a recreation or two and your custom builds will benefit. Keep building! P.S. This is an afterthought, because I am not a scenario player, but the size of this may make it difficult for scenario play. I think (could be wrong) that tracks are generally downloaded for their usefulness in scenario play. Custom parks likely have coasters built specifically for that park. Dropping a good coaster quickly seems like a scenario thing. It may be worth including footprint and build cost - and considering these things in the build itself. CORRECTION: The High positive Vertical G's occur at the bottom of a drop and the narrow valleys make them worse. The Floater Gs I was referring to take place at the top of the hills and are shown as negative Vertical Gs. Sorry for derp.
  16. My first set of original objects. Free to good home. Pixel art drawn in GIMP (XCF and BMPs available on request). DAT files made with Buggy's Object Editor. Planned update will include parkobj files, but I am still learning the fantastic new object creator. ZIP Includes: 11 Small Object DATs 1 Scenery Group DAT 1 PARK file with Tab selected and Objects Displayed 1 PNG Screenshot (same as display) JOE MECHO SCAFFOLDING SET V1
  17. Just today, I started going through my collection of scenarios and making a "Favorite Landscapes" folder. From your last collection - 12 went into it. This new set looks at least as strong. There is something about your park layouts that just makes me want to build on them. Thanks for sharing yet again.
  18. No worries AC. I collected everything I could find for a long time and now I am making my own objects sets from the ground up. The rocket ride is on my list since the rockets are simple and dull - and I have a design that I made for my grandson that would look great on the two-arm ride. But - if you are looking for lost objects, I'm a decent resource.
  19. I have the rocket rides - both versions (attached) - and for some reason the allosaurus ride. I may have some of the others listed on the various pages linked, but I didn't want to mess with hunting and sorting all of those. I've been working on custom content and one of the projects I'm hoping to do is to remake the rocket ride with more vintage, detailed rockets.rockets.DATrocketv2.DATALLORIDE.DAT
  20. Not sure how these are as scenarios (I am a lousy scenario player so I can't really evaluate that). But as landscapes, these look amazing! I like the variety, with the focus on woods, hills and fresh water. I will definitely use some of these in different projects. Thanks for sharing.
  21. I finally dropped this into a park and it's actually pretty cool. It's a carousel with carved motorcycles in place of the horses. The bikes move on the turntable and aside from some coloring issues, it's a very nice, unique looking ride.
  22. Lots of flat rides - and four that I've never seen; Hook's and Neptune's Haunted Houses, The gentle minibikes (eager to see what these are) and Brian's place (which cracks me up). On one hand, four unique rides out of twelve makes me wonder where your fishing hole is. I have been working on collecting custom objects, rides, paths, etc. Seeing "new to me" files like these makes me want to dig and see if there is more. On the other hand, only two of these rides have movement - and even then, the sprites are limited as the rides are simple. 10 of the rides are motionless flat rides that take all the effort of making large scenery. Brian"s place (still - cracks me up) is a good example of how easy it is to make a crappy looking flat ride with minimal effort. But, to the credit of the original maker, at least they didn't use repurposed objects from other games with different isometric standards. Flat rides - especially the motionless ones - are easy to make and you will find a lot of them. I appreciate you sharing.
  23. RCTObjectEditor123d, Pathmaker, Ridemaker. The object editor is still pretty functional. Pathmaker can be stubborn, and Ridemaker is full on hit or miss.
  24. Odd topic. I'll play. One of the things that makes RCT playable for so many years and by so many people is the variety of ways there are to play. For me its always been a toybox - I enjoy building rides and the buildings, landscapes, etc. I've never seriously played a scenario and doubt I'd be very good at them. I would love to build parks like I see on some of the sites out there, but I'll never be competitive and at my current rate may never complete a project. But I'll enjoy my time working on half-finished ideas. I'm blown away by the amount of work that goes into the H2H parks for example. There's often story lines with these, histories, and details within the park that can keep one digging for days. There's so much thought and focus put into them that I wonder how they found the time and ideas. Some of the larger, all-modeled parks like the Disney Project(s), the LOTR multi-map, Depot Circus, etc. are breath taking and the level of artistry is something I envy. But then again, I'm a fan of Marcel's videos. Even if his designs are intended to be vanilla and scenario friendly, the detailed understanding of the ride quirks helps me in my parks. His ride stat requirements and excitement rating Reddit pages are bookmarked and I refer to his ride type videos repeatedly. I was fascinated by his recent scenario speedrun and think the (seemingly growing) speedrunning group is going to challenge the community to create new scenarios and more difficult options. Another thing I see a lot is ride makers. Some people just excel at layouts. I'm think I'm pretty good at laying out my coasters, but then I'll run across something on RCTGo and marvel at how smooth the transitions are how tight the footprint is. But they don't just look good - they have killer stats. The game pulls you in a lot of directions and there are becoming less and less "wrong" ways to play; just different departments of the same university.
  25. Nothing feels as good as a completed scenery tab. I hate the "not all items selected" warning when I click on a scenery tab from which I am missing objects. It's kind of a hobby for me to complete tabs and hunt down missing object files. But honestly that's the hard way to fix your problem. I use Trigger's Tools LINK and his group creator is super easy. Just select your files and drag them into the program - enter info - save and done. I advise filling out the info and giving it an icon (27x31-ish bitmap). If you need bitmaps for icons, Trigger's content browser has an extractor. A word of caution, the NSF has brought about a push to use parkobj rather than DAT files. There is no looming program to get this done, but trigger's tools do not work well with some of the newer parkobj files, but there are tools in development here and there.
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