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Everything posted by OddmentsAlchemyLab

  1. I'm responding to follow. I actually have an idea for a "Saturday Morning" pack with my favorite late 70s cartoons - and a PBS pack with Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, etc. Also pallets... Boring, pinewood pallets... I have some of the object editors, but I also know that a new one is currently in early development which will write to parkobj files.
  2. Obviously, my first thoughts are "you take care of you" and here's wishing you good health. I would love to see whatever you have to share when you have the time. I'll figure something out so that we can share securely with each other and get back to you. Thank you so much! It's nice to meet a fellow hoarder!
  3. Yes, Tracie. If you have anything else as awesome as that circus set, I am currently working on an object organizing project over on NE. I've downloaded every park from NE, RCT-World, and a few other places. Right now, I am scanning for duplicates/renames and breaking them down into tag groups by creator. Here's a link to my project if you want to check it out.
  4. I am really sorry. I was confused and posted what I had over on NE. I get my forums confused. That said - Tracie's share was epic and better than my incomplete sets.
  5. I have a number of the Circus items, but none of the sets are complete. I have the cars and trailers (includes the clown car which is dope) partial set, partial midway and partial buildings set - off the top of my head. The five you have are available here on NE? I'm pretty sure a VERY partial Midway set is in one of the parks. That's it. The rest had to be sourced elsewhere. If you want partials, I can't complete your set but I can make that 5 closer to 50 if you'd like.
  6. Came here to look for a solution/suggestion to this, so I will just ditto your comment. It happens less and less, but today - ~12 hours of grey.
  7. Hey, I did some searching and can't find any Nightmare Before Xmas park examples. I did find a better link for the RCTMart archive. It has a zip file that has everything, including a number of pieces that I could not find live links for on the site page. There is a park with Fisherman's HM stuff, but it is not paired with the HM building set from MKG.
  8. I have the same sense of overwhelm with these sets. 17,000+ objects in my catalog and not a single completed park to show for it. Check out this archive of RCTMart. It has these sets and more as well as "Parts-Parks" (My term for them) with the buildings put together in a scenario for reference. I am not sure I found such a map for "Nightmare before Xmas" but it is definitely worth a deep dive as you will probably find more than you're looking for.
  9. Yes - I am on windows and did upload the crash report. As for the steps to reproduce - no idea - just that after doing any significant pathing (I am using custom paths mostly) the game would crash when trying to load the save and produce a crash report. That said, I do not think that there is a bug to report. I ended up doing a clean install and have not experienced that since. I have just finished a convenience store with a good mix of paths and so far no issues. I do archive my crash reports for a set retaining period, so if I have any issues, I'll come back.
  10. I have had this problem since the release of the NSF but waited to mention it as I felt it would sort out in the updates. I am not sure if it is a number of path tiles (seems to happen when I hit ~50ish) or if it has to do with mixing multiple paths (this seems to cause it right away). I can't do much with that limit. I could not find a similar problem on the issue tracker so wanted to post this to see if there had been similar issues or if someone had a suggestion to fix. Thanks! Odd
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