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Everything posted by Mr_Man

  1. Fixed again, thanks!
  2. I noticed all my Mega links were dead and have reupped them in this post: Thanks to all who reported them to me.
  3. RCT World is just all sorts of sad.
  4. Mr_Man

    Group Park 2

    Notify the forum admin and have them change the editing window from 5 minutes to longer.
  5. Might be a good idea to create a new section with announcement on the type of changes/new features included in each major release like the one linked here on the official site: in the form of a thread aggregate or forum section.
  6. I noticed all the links are dead - collections from my own stash: 1. Exact RCT1 scenario recreations: 2. Sandbox scenarios: scenarios.rar 3. /v/vg/vr scenarios: scenarios.rar 4. v/vg/vr track creations: tracks.rar
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