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Everything posted by jessicajones

  1. just rename your exe and it's done
  2. hi i'm jessica and i'm a rct2 expert see ya!
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  3. I would like auto updater so the game can update to eatier latest dev or official release. Also for android please!
  4. to Pop06095: it's useless to post in github The developers don't even read there. They add a label to the issue and put in the 'forget hole'... All my bugs posted there, not even 1 is solved.
  5. i would like shops to sell winter hats and jackets for the new snow weather in the game. it works like umbrellas for rain
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  6. i would like Twitch Integration Android, because now it not work
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  7. i would like OpenGL ES in Android
  8. i would like the game data in APK file Android included. so i don't need to copy windows data to my android
  9. i would like lighting effects in opengl mode
  10. i would like a custom content downloader for rides, parks, ...
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  11. I report you to the moderator if you don't stop bullying me!!!
  12. Mind your OWN business. basic forum etiquette also means not telling other people what to do. Who are you to tell me what I can do or not?
  13. hi How to transfer a saved game to another pc or android device? Is it enough to copy the save game file in order to open it on the second device with all rides, ... present (if not using custom rides)? So copy the save game to the save games folder of the second device?
  14. why is the game even compiled for android then? there should specifc 'touch' controls for android made. is this planned? I scaled up the factor to 3.5 and now it's quite usable It's cool to look at your created parks on a desktop pc! that's what I useit for now.
  15. hi Just installed android version which runs fine but ... is it possible the controls in android are currently unusable? - clicking a close X of a window is almost impossible on a tablet because it's too small - how to scroll a park up/down/left/right?
  16. I mean exactly your screenshot and/or other things that could be taken from other rides and put in the current one
  17. ok I understand I did not create any folders. This is all done by the game (in windows)
  18. the custom content folder has many subfolders: in which one do I need to put the dat files?
  19. what about making a tool INSIDE openrct2? I don't know if it's possible but it could allow you to glue together parts of all existing rides loaded in the game, including those from custom rides So not really making modelz but placing this train on that model and choose colors and sprites and maybe some scaling and simple things. In this way each user can make something and save it. openrct2 should save it in correct format. It's just an idea but I don't know if it's possible
  20. finish first the snow and then the others hehe just kidding 😁😁😁
  21. Hi Can anybody who created custom rides write a tutorial here how this can be done? Including the (compiled) tools ready to download and maybe an example? I want to try it but for a beginner here is nothing to start with.
  22. GREAT! I would be very happy and praise you when you want to make the snow!! 😉 I just would LOVE to build a snow covered park, with christmas rides you can find on the custom rides forum AND with snow enabled! I hope you want to make it when you have free time.
  23. I read how to install: The zip files are structured for OpenRCT2, so if you have OpenRCT2 you can unzip to the root directory and everything will land where it should in the track and object directories. All included track designs are free for use without stipulations. But I'm confused. 1) Do I have to click the red toolbox in openrct2 and then 'custom content folder' and unzip all the zip files in there? The folder has following subfolders: 16/02/2020 21:01 3 719 config.ini 14/02/2020 17:13 <DIR> desyncs 14/02/2020 17:13 <DIR> heightmap 14/02/2020 17:13 <DIR> landscape 16/02/2020 19:55 <DIR> object 16/02/2020 21:00 248 945 objects.idx 14/02/2020 17:13 <DIR> replay 15/02/2020 20:21 <DIR> save 14/02/2020 17:13 <DIR> scenario 16/02/2020 20:02 17 364 scenarios.idx 14/02/2020 20:56 <DIR> screenshot 14/02/2020 17:13 <DIR> sequence 14/02/2020 17:13 <DIR> themes 14/02/2020 17:13 <DIR> track 16/02/2020 20:02 13 598 tracks.idx 4 File(s) 283 626 bytes 13 Dir(s) 83 322 556 416 bytes free OR 2) Do I need to unzip them in my openrct2 folder (that contains the exe), which is not the same folder as 1) The folder has a folder 'data', which has following subfolders: 28/10/2019 21:57 108 401 g2.dat 14/02/2020 16:42 <DIR> language 14/02/2020 16:42 <DIR> object 14/02/2020 16:42 <DIR> shaders 14/02/2020 16:42 <DIR> title 1 File(s) 108 401 bytes 6 Dir(s) 766 407 856 128 bytes free I what folder do the zip files have to be unzipped? 1) or 2) ? Thx!
  24. Thanks, very cool!!!
  25. Hi Can you develop it yourself too? I now added a new issue on github
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