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Everything posted by Xardoz

  1. Haha, I'm maybe not as old as the movie, but not too young too Glad to see some people got the ref ;D Age is in the mind, never think something else Concerning topic, I came back to report that someone seems to have found where the issue was from, and someone else a potential fix ! I'm very happy to see this issue potentially finally solved :D
  2. Hi ! For me it's the "cash" sound when guest are purchasing things/tickets that really disturbs me. I'm among the people who reported it here : I still have the issue, even with latest versions.
  3. To clarify as much as I can (in case it could help) : if you download the launcher and use it, you don't need to download/install manually other files, so you can delete your current downloaded version of OpenRCT2. When you'll launch the launcher, it'll look if the gamefiles are installed and up to date, if not, it will download & install automatically the latest version and let you launch it when it's done.
  4. Oh ok So it's a custom map... I never created one in RCT Is there a place where there are interesting ones/good scenarios ? Thanks, that's the other part of the info I was missing I just took a look : you can unlock all researches of the level too, "forget" about money, etc... very interesting !
  5. Ok thanks Edit : I created the suggestion here : Edit 2 : I created the issue in the wrong github project argh ^^" newbie mistake, sorry for that... Here is the suggestion in the correct place :
  6. So, we post suggestions in the exact same way as issues ? In the issue section ? (it's just to be sure to do things properly)
  7. Ok, I'm reviving this topic (and will certainly do again if I have some other "dumb" questions :))... I always played only scenarios in all the RollerCoaster Tycoon games. And OpenRCT2 makes me wonder... "how" are you playing OpenRCT2 ? I see the thread "Group Park 7" for example [which seems impressive] : : what is the map used ? A user created the map ? Is there a sandbox mode ? I saw that there is a random map generator, that sounds awesome !! Are there any tips/things to know/advices you would like to give concerning it, concerning game possibilities in OpenRCT2 ?
  8. Yeah, when you understand how things works on github, it's finally really easy... and it's nice if it helps
  9. It would be nice to - have the possibility to disable automatic update - to see what is (what are ?) the latest(s) version(s) available and from when it is - to have a button to update manually. (simply suggesting to complete your idea)
  10. Ah ok, this is mainly an issue if you want to have compatible parks with vanilla, which isn't my case. I was only missing this tracks for replaying some scenarios of RCT1 with OpenRCT2 (because I'm building often Junior RC with steeptracks in RCT1), and since they were "implemented" in OpenRCT2, I was hoping to be able to use them in RCT2 scenarios thanks to OpenRCT2. And it'll be the case so it's great I didn't knew that for the hypercoaster ! Oh, ok ! Thanks for the explanations
  11. That means creating another account argh Ok, if it's more easier for dev's, I'll do that Thanks for the suggestion ! Edit : Issue submitted here :
  12. Thanks both of you for answering 1) I'm mostly thinking it's safe (& I have Kaspersky which I trust), it's simply that I've not a precise idea of how this works in the facts I was wondering if someone was supervising, or if it was only few "authorized" people who could contribute, or anybody. For forking the project myself... Ahah, I don't think I have the skills for that But if I've one suggestion, I'll share it 2) Launcher sounds nice so 3) I know well OpenTTD, and that's why I was asking : I never played the original TTD, and loved OpenTTD, but was always wondering how close to the original game it still is. This kind of project can easily loose "its roots", and I love RCT spirit & gameplay. And even if it'll always be compatible with RCT2, the game design/balance may be different and so vanilla game may be "broken" in a way (a scenario is a bit of a puzzle with constraints). That's the hard balance between improving the game with the open version and staying close to the original. I really love RCT1 and even if I love RCT2, I don't love it as much as 1. But I must say that after trying OpenRCT2, there are good chances I'll love RCT2 a lot more through it So as long as the game has his original feel and can use vanilla assets, that's really great I'm rediscovering RCT2 thanks to OpenRCT2, and this is really awesome
  13. Xardoz

    Hello :)

    Okay, thanks I saw a bit the park you're doing on a moon theme... Mines are a lot more messy and chaotic, I'm not sure it's really worth it to show them But maybe one day, why not Thank you
  14. That's what I wanted to know : if it was allowing something "new" compared to the base game. But I don't understand : "they are just not used by the specific vehicle type" ? Because the "basic" vehicles (Ladybirds trains) are compatible with steep tracks in RCT1 so I'm a bit confused : you wasn't needing a specific train ? Okay I prefer to avoid unintended consequences when possible And there's no hurry at all, that's really not a big deal here
  15. When I select the option "Display text in banners in uppercase" (like in RCT1), the accented letters are left in lowercase Which leads to not really aesthetic things like : Manège -> MANèGE Fermé -> FERMé etc... Hope something can be done for that Edit : if I can help, don't hesitate to ask ! (I'm using the latest build OpenRCT2-0.1.2-develop-91589f5-windows-x64)
  16. Okay I thought it was implemented "by default" when I saw the page I linked, that's why I was a bit confused Is there a way to keep cheats always on ? (like an "usual" option ?) I followed your instruction and it's working great Is this allowing only this specific tracks for the junior RC, or are some other coasters affected ? Thank you very much for the answer & the help !
  17. Concerning steep tracks for Junior Roller Coaster : is it normal that I can't access to them, except when I activate cheats ? I saw here that it has been included ("steep inclines for the Junior Roller Coaster"), but like I said, I can't see them if I don't activate cheats ?
  18. This is the first time I'm looking a bit at an open project in an early stage like this one, and I have some questions, due to my newbiness So sorry if they sound really dumb ^^" 1) Can anyone post an update of the project ? Is it "safe" ? 2) What do you advice : download the launcher and let it full rights to download what it wants, or download manually each update ? 3) Concerning OpenRCT2, I must say that I'm really pleased to see this project, but I'm a bit "afraid" too : afraid of loss of spirit of RCT1&2. I'm not saying it's the case yet I'm simply wondering for the future : what's the spirit/goal behind ? Using RCT as a base for an open RCT game which would have it's own "rules"/balance and spirit ? (= becoming it's own game) Or will the project try to stay in the tracks of RCT1&2 with some limited evolutions ? That's all
  19. Xardoz

    Hello :)

    Hi everyone ! So, I'm a huge fan of RCT1 since I discovered & played its first demo before it was even released (I played it A LOT). I'm still as much addicted & fan as first day I love the serie, but the first one... is one of my all-time favorite games ever I now own the games on GOG and play them regularly (RCT1, 2 & 3) especially the first one because it's the one I love the most. I saw some people talking about this project in a good way on GOG... and here I am. I must say it's very interesting & promising, so keep up the good work everyone and thanks to all contributors
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