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Everything posted by daand12
Rides getting bugged / turned into other rides.
daand12 replied to daand12's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
Yes this is multi player indeed. For now, nothing is happening weird. I'm not hosting it though. -
I have noticed that my Railroad got turned into a Looping Rollercoaster and my Looping Rollercoaster 3 got turned into a Wooden Rollercoaster out of nowhere. It has the same specs as my other Looping Rollercoaster. And yes i have tried to delete my bugged ride which was orginally a Railroad but that got turned into a Looping coaster. The server crashed again and again when i pressed "Delete Ride" Oh and i'm using Build Version 1732 which is the latest right now. I didn't use any cheat to get this happen. ( Oh and cheats work fine again and syncs fine )
I ran my server also today for 8 hours and i had no griefers at all. There was only a impersonator ingame, but kicked that guy a few times instead changing his group. I only had the first server crash after 2 hours. Sometimes i had a few within 5 minutes. Annoying ? Not if you have your autosave set to 1 minute. Btw i'm using Build 1703, because i can cheat in there ( only cheats i need is guest cheating ( happyness and hunger cheat ) And a cheat to remove litter, mowing grass and fix the benches and bins that got destroyed by those vandals. My server name is named: flat mega park. This is the name i always use. Some of you know my server probably. I recommend to make a group named: Trolls and only allow them to use the chat if griefers coming.
No Cheats on Multiplayer only for some people
daand12 replied to NightHawk's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
Ok cool!. Some editing of Car rides do make the server crash indeed. But not all of them do!. Others can see that someone does actually change car rides. Yes this is very unstable to do so. But if you guys wanna cheat, then revert back to Version 1703. You know what can happen if you do so. http://cdn.limetric.com/games/openrct2/OpenRCT2-0.0.4-develop-b1703.exe -
No Cheats on Multiplayer only for some people
daand12 replied to NightHawk's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
i'd like to cheat also in Multi Player and by that, i have downgraded to build 1644, and i will not update it anymore untill cheats are available again. -
Guys this is the final result of my 150x150 mega park build. It all started from 25x25 in size. Slowly added land and rides. Thanks to KKLD for hosting it while i was away ( but you really shouldn't cheat 8000 guests or more ) you know what happens with that. All by all is this about 8 hours of work into it. With a few server issues during that. Maybe i will start another park like this the coming week. It's fun to build with about 10 other players and no griefers around us. Even when it's not passworded. Oh and the park rating is 0 haha. They cheated some guests i think and i had this happen also when i hosted it. Total Result: 225 Rides and stalls together 124 staff members Total park size is 218,990 m²
This is because KKLD is using the latest build. I told him to use Dev B1644 version. And no cheats. Post pictures in here if you want.
I have expanded the park once again to 150x150. Will see if that bug occours again.
Update: Extended the park to 100x100 right now. We've build some few more rides into it, and especially that WIld Mouse looks beautiful with Monorail Trains on it. Screenshot of the park right now. Yes it's much bigger then before ( 25x25 )
I got a idea today to start with a 25x25 scenario in my own server, and it already got fully crammed within a few game months and 1000+ guests. I like the to use a Tiny Park and cram as much stuff in it as possible. Once it got crammed, i extended it to 35x35 and then 75x75 which is it currently. I had to adjust the Park Entrances with the paths though. Thanks to Przemek , Bobbycarhater, Cameron, No one, Fei Rune, Hap, Racey, StickOfButter for building here, btw: Do something about the Autosave bug ( it does crash the server often when it saves ). It's not only happening to me. My island ! Closer look to the dual Roller Coaster
Your Laptop should run it without any problems. If you are planning to play only with your friends, then install a password on the server, because trollers will ruin the whole server by changing the landcolour, or they will fuck around with the land tool. That's why i preffer also using the "No Money" option.
Thanks. But how you managed to remove the bugged ride ?
Told you it's Looping rollercoaster 2. Have found a Save Game Modifier, but haven't find a program that even can remove the ride by any chance. ( tried few programs )
0.0.4 dev and 0.0.3 ( Both ). Does crash with both versions.
Yes i did with other guys. I will investigate it when i want to. It's only at the desert area so the failure must be there. I haven't seen guests out of map ( also this does happen sometimes ), but no crash. Update: Found the crashing ride ( Looping Rollercoaster 2 ). How can i delete it without crashing ? . It's just near the desert area and found it just in the corner of my screen. Once i try to click on it, i just crash.
Hi guys, I was making a park with some guys and it crashed at the Desert area of my park over and over again. How the hell i have to find out what's causing this since it crashes both on Single and Multi Player ? Pretty sure that this is an bug at something. The park is now almost useless and not full yet ( 225x225 park ) Even in Single Player without OpenRCT2 is causing it to crash at the exact same point. Here is the save game. I would like if someone manages it to get it fixed. Pretty sure it's impossible to do so. http://www.mediafire.com/download/bkys3z3jjjao2pt/autosave.sv6
There's actually no place left to build something right now. Hope to have a 200x200 park coming soon and cram that full of rides asap. We did the most within 1 day in that Flat Mega Park.
Small update on the park again. It had about 6600 guests when i came online there at year 10, but we had a massive park rating drop aswell guests that leaving. I made some underground paths and above the ground almost directly to the exit/entrance of the park. It seems that did the trick pretty well ! After the small fixes for the guests and park rating went straight up again aswell the guests again Amount of Staff: 108 Handymans, 30 Mechanics 7 Security Guards 13 Entertainers Staff can only be placed by the host and all other clients need to re-connect inorder to sync them.
Yeah just re-connected a few times to sync the guests and park staff. This map is and was indeed stable @ 0.0.3
Vikman, me and someone else are currently creating a mega park, and my goal is actually to cram so much in as possible. I think that the hoster ( Vikman ) used the default settings during the scenario creating, but it looks pretty nice from now. And there is a Minirail road that goes thru the whole map and has a few stops here and there to let out the guests. Also guests keeps coming. Currently we almost have 2700 guest at september, year 3. We don't use money for this one. We had a few bugs sorted out that caused the server crashing mutliple time, and a ride was causing this "FireCracker Ride". Update: Few ingame years later and it starting to get full of rides and nice 4000 guests WITHOUT any cheating whatsoever. Nice go karts build between the roller coaster. Dunno by who though. Here i had some problems with that Giga Coaster getting Ultra Extreme intense rate. Few edits later and it's all fine. Seems that more guests are coming when more rides are being build. I have no experience with "No Money" option. I always used ingame cash. Next map probably gonna be 200x200.
Staff placement bugs / Rollercoasters /
daand12 replied to daand12's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
Maybe the server should check every 15~30 seconds at all connected clients if there is something different to others, if so then the server must sync that. For example as a mention earlier that if there is a Roller Coaster fully operational at 1 client and 1 not, then sync the roller coaster to the second client to finished state and operational. Same for Staff Members, If out of sync at 1 client and 1 not, then sync to the bad synced client. It just never syncs to others if i place a Handymen. This must be done in Single Player in order to get it working. Don't know nothing about C Coding at all :), but i'd like to think with you. -
I'd like to see a option to select a ride / rollercoaster that you can select without having to make your own one. Since if you save the ride, you can't purchase the same one again and you will have to make your own one once again. Sometimes i'd like to have 2 or more of the same tracks in my park next to each other. Example: The Goliath from Six Flags Holland. See the picture under here. That's what i mean with that: Select a coaster design. The only option is: Build Custom Design.
Staff placement bugs / Rollercoasters /
daand12 replied to daand12's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
So there's nothing able to fix with those annoying Desync pop up when someone connects ? It doesn't only happen to me as i spoke to Vikman on the chat in that server.And Players are even getting the Lost Connection ( No data ) once they connect. Pretty sure there is something to fix when placing staff in the park. You can see that someone hires one, but it doesn't get placed at all for other clients. The properway, but annoying way is getting into Single Player and place them there, and save the park and reload the server with that. We've been using OpenRCT2 0.0.4 Build 1582 now. Ok desync when someone has a Very bad connection is ok and seen this happen in San Andreas Multi Player, but that's totally something else. But Desync with a good connection ? There is something to fix about that. -
You just need one scenario / park to get started. I dunno if you need a save game for that though.
Hi there, I have been playing OpenRCT2 now for the third day and i have seen some really annoying bugs and found them with someone else named: Vikman. First one: * Staff does not get placed on the screen of the other player and once i reconnect, the security guard was just totally gone and not placed. and sometimes this leads to server crashes and more. This occurs when a player want to reconnect and crashes instantly of after a few seconds * Second One * Sometimes it looks like for other that a Rollercoaster isn't finished while it is for the builder. I mean that some pieces of the ride are just missing. So it looks like for the other client that the ride is closed ( Duh ). We both have been using 0.0.3 and the 0.0.4 Beta. We most of the time play on 0.0.4 Third One: * Visitors are also out of sync. I asked Vikman how much he got, and he had 1164, where i had 1162. This stuff is all out of sync. Only thing that works for 90% is when others are building something. That does Sync properly most of the time. See picture ( Ignore the Network desync ) it's annoying to ( fix that asap ). to place staff, we have to use Single Player everytime.