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Everything posted by Squab

  1. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Sorry guys! Super busy this week... I cannot claim either until Thursday so I am going to put my self to the missed turn list. YOU MAY DELETE MY HEARTLINE COASTER TO FREE UP A RIDE FOR SOMEONE. Claimed: -Next In Line: @Przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, xbaloganMissed Turn: Enner, Philmon11, imlegos, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Squab
  2. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Great! It is something different that I think people would enjoy. For those that might still not understand what Brox and I are talking about... here are a few screen shots from STARPOINTE on (Credit to Pacificoaster and CedarPoint6 over there!) Here is the page link for anyone interested in downloading. It is a BEAUTIFUL custom park. (DISCLAIMER: READ THE README BEFORE TRYING TO OPEN THE PARK...)
  3. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Like some staff parking lots/roads or staff center. Make an obvious fence/boundary for guests. We could also make a nice picnic area/shelter/arena area that you see in normal parks. Its mostly using all scenery items. A lot of the custom parks on have areas such as these as well as front parking lots and REAL entrance areas.
  4. Any updates on this project? Group Park 2 is coming to a close because of the attraction limit. This would be a great time to get this started!
  5. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Wow! I didn't even know there was an attractions limit. We should make the rest of the park a "behind the scenes" area!
  6. Squab

    Group Park 2

    @xbalogan BEAUTIFUL coaster and setting! Very rustic feel to the ride/area. One concern: we will need to adjust the path that parallels the river. Looks like you built where the path would have gone which is fine. The person who builds behind will need to curve that path around the brake run. I can't tell from the screens but did you put a path under the ride?
  7. Squab

    Group Park 2

    @xbalogan I have been playing this simulator for 15+ years and never knew how people were doing it. I assumed they were using trainers or other hacks. It has been this simple all along.
  8. Something I do on other projects is change the ground texture to a new color which helps map out the space for a new coaster. You would do this the turn before you actually build the coaster so others can see and agree/disagree on the space. This also helps with future path planning since peep AI is severely lacking.
  9. In case anyone was interested in getting Cities: Skylines, Steam put this title at $11.99 for the weekend. This is a ridiculously low price for such a fantastic/immersive simulator. The developers released it at $29.99 even though it would have been worth every penny of $59.99+. I figured I would share this here since this game is along the lines of RCT being that it is a simulator/creation game. It is by far the best city simulator ever created (yes, over SC4). Oh, and can we say mods/custom content? Beware: you do need a decent rig to run this game. Anyone else create cities?
  10. If we do custom content, have a zip folder in the main post of the thread (if we are starting a new one?) for all content that needs to be downloaded. The only things I have not seen exported correctly are custom flat rides such as AmazingEarl's Rides
  11. Great system. I would like to be a participant. A note on Group Park 2: 250x250 is massive, especially when people are not building realistic coasters to scale. Hyper coasters scale 200+ feet (60+ meters) and gigas are 300+ which is not possible with the current build plot of 30x30. I could not build a proper B&M style hyper in a 10x70 plot. If this upcoming park is 250x250, I suggest we build a resort/parking/backstage area which will help with creating ideas/projects for building and reducing the amount of coasters. Without custom content, this game does not have enough rides to realistically fill 250x250 without increasing plot size. Are we going for realism?
  12. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Good catch, will have to fix that! The design is inspired from Alpengeist at Busch Gardens Williamsburg.
  13. Squab

    Group Park 2

    @jensj12 No I did not know that- sorry! I will not build a coaster on my next turn. Fair? The heartline does not take any room.
  14. Squab

    Group Park 2

    No worries! I figured I would @ you anyways just in case. The list is pretty long so the park will probably only go around 1-2 more times to everyone.
  15. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Done! First for some screens: Crash on Keeper of Frozen Planets Heartline (Ridge Roller) and new shops w/ slide completed And finally... SASQUATCH. B&M Invert Other additions: Added 2 chair lifts with 3 stops on each: One running North to South, the other East to West Straighten, widened, and simplified pathing in many random areas with guests getting lost/stuck Added many trash cans and benches in areas of need FILE: Community Park V2.75.sv6 Claimed: -----Next In Line: @Przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, imlegos, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, SquabMissed Turn: @Philmon11, Enner, Xbalogan
  16. Squab

    Group Park 2

    7000 guests! Not sure if we have reached that milestone yet. @Wuis This area seems fine now once I added the other set of stairs. The path under RiverQuest is back @jensj12. I will be done soon with a sweet new compact but monster B&M invert. There are still some guests getting stuck in places but I can't quite figure out where.
  17. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Fixed. Park rating is fixed as well. Please do not take this next part the wrong way... Everyone, please think and plan ahead for pathing. There is no need for two parallel paths in this area though I understand why it was designed that way: land elevation. I do not like messing with other people's builds/areas but I think this area needs to have the paths simplified. Let me know if I can do some work here whoever built this area (Riverquest, Ralf, Typhoon builders). I promise this is my last post in a row!
  18. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Sorry for posting twice in a row but I think I found a major pathing issue in the new area: A lot of peeps trying to find Burger Bar 2 as seen in the red circle/arrow. Their only path is the yellow circle. Going to try to add some new connecting lanes in the area. The underground path under River Quest is creating some issues as well. The entrance placement is also not friendly to peep AI.
  19. Squab

    Group Park 2

    *Build Update* I was trying to find something to build that was unique to this park. I saw that we did not have a heartline coaster (or one that I could find) which works out nicely because I have never built one! Ridge Roller w/ new shops and dining area Added a few custom supports to Falls Racer (over water) for realism. Added a jet ski rental as well? I will be finished tonight! Park rating keeps having big 100-200 point fluctuations. Poor pathing and lack of restrooms seem to be the biggest issues right now.
  20. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Claiming it. I will be done by midnight tomorrow (25 hours from now). Let me know if you would like me to look at anything. The List Claimed: SquabNext In Line: przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, imlegos, UTMAN, jensj12, WuisMissed Turn: Philmon11, Enner, Xbalogan
  21. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Is there a guide you can point me to for proper blocking? I understand blocks but can't seem to build a coaster without brief stops on the chainlift because the timing of the last block segment.
  22. Squab

    Group Park 2

    @WobblyRails Great work! Well-themed and realistic.
  23. That is a nice new banner of some dueling inverts you all put up on the frontpage. I wonder who's design that is?
  24. Squab

    Group Park 2

    Done! I finished the corner around the lake with a racer woody going over the falls. It has many exciting drops and two big ones underground. It maintains speed very well also. In the lake corner, you can see where I started a path going to the back of the park. I elevated the land above the falls like we planned. Whoever builds behind can continue the process. I can already foresee this corner becoming a possible peep pathing issue so I started a path under Falls Racer's station to the other side. We can lift the no entry signs once there is stuff built behind the Falls Racer. I also added a Merry-Go-Round. AND THE LIST/FILE: Community Park V2.67.sv6 Claimed: ----- Next In Line: @Broxzier, WobblyRails Xbalogan, qbbq, imlegos , UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab Missed Turn: Enner
  25. Squab

    Group Park 2

    I am claiming the park. Anyone want me to look or tinker with anything? Claimed: SQUAB Next In Line: Broxzier, WobblyRails Xbalogan, qbbq, imlegos , UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon Missed Turn: Enner
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