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Everything posted by Przemek

  1. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    @RedScope53 It looks sweet Great work. I really like that you cut off the trees at left and put some bushes to look more realistically. If anyone wants to build more 'wild west' shacks there, feel free to build.
  2. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    sure post pics when you finish
  3. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    Please put me in 'missed' list.
  4. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    Finally after hours of work I finished it (though I wanted to build more, but it wouldnt be possible of limited time). Placed Mountaineer rollercoaster from saved tracks (to save time and focus on landscaping and scenery). Modified Merry-Go-round scenery. Modified and extended pathways near suspended bridge. Moved Monorail track. Enjoy newly build 'wild west' settlement with Fort Smith and Mountaineer Wooden Roller Coaster Fort Legoredo from lego bricks was a loose reference for my fort Claimed: --Queue: @RedScope53, TCE, Broxzier, giraty, SpiffyJack, Deurklink, Wuis, Cascadia, Leudimin, Darthyoda714, 1081p, saxman1089, PrzemekMissed: Philmon11, Jensj12, jochem, xbalogan The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.11.sv6
  5. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    My 'Mountaineer' roller coaster is almost done with wild west village and fort Tommorrow i'll upload it, stay tuned
  6. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    Claiming! Claimed: PrzemekQueue: RedScope53, TCE, Broxzier, giraty, SpiffyJack, Deurklink, Wuis, Cascadia, Leudimin, Darthyoda714, 1081p, saxman1089, PrzemekMissed: Philmon11, Jensj12, jochem, xbalogan
  7. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    RIP to the players without add-ons and me It would be better if you used imagination and tried to construct things from default RCT2 objects / or choosing custom objects from benches....
  8. you dont have a custom objects or you dont have Wacky Worlds and/or Time Twister add-on, so you cant load server map it happens to me too
  9. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    If you like you can expand park entrance by adding some castle buildings, its just a suggestion how it should look like.... Added 1 bush-cycad by Toontowner. Requires xxbshco1.dat. Selection in settings "export plug-in objects" is on. Claimed: --Queue: @Broxzier, giraty, SpiffyJack, Deurklink, jensj12, cascadia, Leudimin, Darthyoda714, Jochem, xbalogan, saxman1089, PrzemekMissed: Philmon11, Wuis The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.02.sv6
  10. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    Claiming! Claimed: PrzemekQueue: Broxzier, giraty, SpiffyJack, Deurklink, jensj12, cascadia, Leudimin, Darthyoda714, Jochem, saxman1089Missed: Philmon11, Wuis
  11. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    @saxman1089 Great Bridge! Needs more polishing and details, but overall its 8/10 Hope your pathing around bridge will perform well and peeps wont stuck.
  12. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    Hello. Here's mine 5 cents to the thoughts I drew a map. Red = rides, green = monorail, yellow = paths, grey - plaza buildings. What about cliffs on top/right, are they gonna be filled with coasters and pathways or they are gonna be a empty place with nothing but bushes and lonely trees ? I wanted it to be a place with hot environment, sand and bushes only, but someone painted first with brown paint Here's how should it look like for me: Should cliffs be a 'border' for a rides or not? Plaza with gardens, small trees and bushes. Normal buildings at distance. The rest empty space is up to the players What do you think. Cheers!
  13. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    did some landscape painting and added jungle on cliffs Group Park 7.sc6
  14. Super cool I wonder how's to take a river rapids ride and seeing that massive slope
  15. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    for me Broxzier heightmap looks ready to start a group park
  16. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    Needle ridge could be a reference for cliff and hilly terrain. I'd prefer map with land all around the edges, instead of island, but its only my preference. Needle Ridge.SC6
  17. Przemek

    Group Park 7

    Group Park 7 ? Yes! btw. Map should be at least 200x200.
  18. Przemek

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: --Queue: giraty, Broxzier, Wuis, saxman1089, PrzemekMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Wuis, TheMightyClem, jensj12 There are still few areas of unsused terrain, we shall continue building. Its a test to see if players can manage such small places. The idea was to create reverse-incline launched shuttle mode coaster, but i extended it to fill area and connected to the end of station. The result is Entropia Coaster @Broxzier Ive fixed your haunted mansion ride, peeps were stuck trying to get into invisible exit of the ride, thus never finding queue. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.77.sv6
  19. Przemek

    Group Park 6

    Claiming! Claimed: PrzemekQueue: giraty, Broxzier, Wuis, saxman1089Missed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Wuis, TheMightyClem, jensj12
  20. Przemek

    Group Park 6

    you mean near pirates tavern? those are from japan themeing
  21. Przemek

    Few parks

    Hello! I want to show you some parks built in multiplayer, and one as single project. Almost all of them are unfinished, so if you like you can work on them, or you just view and delete from your computer. ALL credits goes to the players 10x200 park 25.sv6 Gentle Park7.sv6 my multi sandbox1-2.sv6 MY MULTI17.sv6 Unfinished project Przemek Park comp3.sv6 small tinypark 4.sv6 Cheers and have a nice day!
  22. Przemek

    Group Park 6

    Hey, I was trying to put some gardens and fancy pathways all along, but some strange error appeared, something about ride tracks and I resigned. If you want you can put some attractions, feel free Also: Im away from computer till monday, so please put me in missed turn list thanks
  23. Przemek

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: Queue: jensj12, Broxzier, saxman1089,TheMightyClemMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq Ive added an Pirate's Haven with souvenirs such as pirate's hat and t-shirts. Also I improved lake surroundings by adding foliage and trees. Cheers! The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.66.sv6
  24. Przemek

    Group Park 6

    So is there a limit in rollercoasters per person ? edit: >Be Rational - Don't build things that cover a large portion of the map, or build coasters every turn. got it Claiming
  25. Przemek

    Group Park 6

    Wow im impressed @saxman1089, your rollercoaster looks sweet Hope on my turn will be still a place to build a rollercoaster, cant wait
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