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Posts posted by Duncans_pumpkin

  1. The cheats/debugging tools menus have been a mess for a while. We plan to reorganise them at some point as almost all of the debugging tools are really hacks and not for debugging. As for locking scenarios with changes in ordering that sounds like a bug. Testing unfinished coasters really needs to be rewritten as it was done back when the vehicle update code wasn't properly understood. 

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  2. On 30/06/2016 at 15:42, Broxzier said:

    That's not true at all. The problem is that while you are viewing the tracks, it creates a new ride to render it in the preview window.

    @Broxzier there is more than one issue with the track designs in multiplayer. One is that the preview window creates dummy rides and a dummy map to render it and that causes a crash the other is that the .TD6 does not get sent to the server and causes a null derferrence as the track loader isnt a game command. What Jensj12 says is correct as well.

  3. The rct1 importer boosters do not work. I can't remember off the top of my head which track element they try to show. I'll have to run quite a few tests when we implement the booster to get the acceleration multiplier correct because at present there is no code for boosters and it would be a real pain to understand rct1 enough to reversed engineer it directly. I could implement that code now without the graphics if you wanted.

    X123 okay so it's basically a chain lift but not on a hill. It would require a new piece that tells you where it ends and would require a good think about how it integrates with block brakes. You could use the same code as the chain lift for most of it. Don't think it would be too ridiculous to implement. It would be best to leave this until our new file format though.

  4. When a new stable is released we make sure the changelog is correct and increment the version number. When the version number increments the game will display the log on first load. If you are using the develop branch then you are expected to either read the changelog yourself or check the commit logs. This is cause it would be annoying for the devs and players to hide the log every change.

  5. @CharlieP I've made a PR (https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/pull/3762) that will modify the object selection issue. I'm pretty sure I understand what you want. Possibly I didn't articulate my reply great.

    Yes can you just change the github issue and add a another reply then I'll remember to switch it to a feature request. In fact I might go add it right now. .:Edit:. its done https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/pull/3763

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  6. @CharlieP ha that was me as well. We will look into adding a console command to do the money at some point. Could you change your github issue to a request for a console command and I'll add it to 0.0.5. Its a small feature that would be easily added. 

    As for the research issue the only thing to really decide is what is the default state when adding a ride does it go into the unresearched column of the researched column.

  7. On 25/05/2016 at 17:55, imlegos said:

    I'd guess that the inventions list is changed like that due to the possibility of the game crashing when the object list is altered.

    There used to be a bug that this was designed to hide. That bug though no longer exists so the behaviour could be changed now to prevent this (I know this as I removed this "feature" in a branch when solving a different bug). I personally quite like it as I use it as a quick way of researching every ride.

  8. On 29/04/2016 at 19:47, craftxbox said:

    okay so setenv.ps1 runs and quickly exits, assuming thats normal cause it didnt spit errors but install gave me this:

    Installing OpenRCT2 development environment for Windows
    Updating dependencies...
    The term 'Invoke-WebRequest' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or o
    perable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is
     correct and try again.
    At C:\Users\luke_2\Source\Repos\OpenRCT22\install.ps1:58 char:22
    +     Invoke-WebRequest <<<<  $libsUrl -OutFile $zipPath
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Invoke-WebRequest:String) [], ParentContainsErrorRe
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

    Generally that issue is caused when you don't have the correct version of powershell. Update powershell and Invoke-WebRequest will work.

  9. Kkld it's actually much harder to increase the total number of trains than the number of cars. A train is a linked list of cars but a ride has a fixed array of trains. Linked lists can be as long as you like fixed arrays cannot. You can't increase the array size without breaking compatibility with sv6 saves.

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