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Devs please Fix Guest Pathfinding

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What will it take for a Dev of OpenRCT2 to work on pathfinding.  

Now that you can make these parks so huge and have 10's of thousands of guest in it.  The pathfinding is worse than ever.

Guests are lost and don't say its my paths cause I've done all sorts of path types from circles to random to a perfect grid system they still can't find there way around.   They will complain they want to go home but walk past the exit.  Complain they need the bathroom and pass by 7 of them to go to a bathroom on the other side of the park.  I've sat there and watched them just to see how they work and I can't figure it out.


My park rating is destroyed cause it expects you to have no more than 25 lost guests.  But that's totally unreasonable when you have 15K guests in your park and growing.    Either fix pathfinding which would be better.   Or fix the rating system so it doesn't punish you as badly for lost guests.  A % scale of guests in your park would be more reasonable.  


If this is impossible at least an explanation as to why its impossible.  I'd really love to know.   Thanks!!  

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On 27/11/2023 at 11:47, Cowscrazy said:

What will it take for a Dev of OpenRCT2 to work on pathfinding.  

Someone who works on pathfinding.

OpenRCT2 is a free open source game, so if you really want something to be changed, gotta do it yourself (but bear in mind that changes to the game's balance need to be approved, preferably before working on it). Or hope anyone else kindly takes it upon them... Just know that issues with larger parks than originally possible are known and will likely eventually be fixed, but with people only working on it in their free time and many other issues still needing improvement, it might take some years. The other option was to not raise the game limits for a few more years.

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