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Linux Performance issues

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I'm currently getting back in to playing openrct2.

So I loaded up my old parks, some are pretty large, but nothing special.

Since this is the only game I play pretty much, I was hoping i could get by on the internal graphics of the I5 which is Intel HD 4600.

I only get about 20-30 FPS, using multi threading which get me about 60-70% cpu utilization.

Now I have similar graphics chip on my laptop which is running windows 10, and then I get steady over 100 fps.

Just wanted to check if there is some known limitations for the Intel graphics on Linux or similar? I do have a GT 730 that i can dig out, but Nvidia Linux support is pretty spotty..


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Posted (edited)

You’ll need to provide more info. What distro? How did you install it? What is your rendering engine set to?

OpenRCT2 does not need a whole lot in terms of graphic power, my game runs fine on a Intel HD Graphics 530 at 2560×1440. I have the game set to OpenGL mode. Software rendering, OTOH, will put your CPU to work.

Edited by Gymnasiast
Posted (edited)


Thanks for your reply.


So I had some time over to try and iron this one out. I did correct some issues I had with the correct driver for the Intel "card" so i switched back to that.

Did not want to mess any further with the nvidia-stuff since I do have such a great performance on my laptop running with even older intel graphics.


So, to confirm if there is an issue or not now with my Linux install, I did follow a recommendation to download a game called "Xonotic" (Its like a quake-clone i guess).

It has two start options, the first one is GLX, using this I get locked at 60FPS. (Guessing that's due to my screen being 60hz or something).

Using the start command "sdl" instead i get between 60-100 fps in this game.

This tell me that there really should not be any issues with the driver itself.

For the case of OpenRCT2, it seems like i have similar performance no matter what i choose, software/hardware/opengl. Maybe slightly higher on openGL.

However, what makes the FPS really rise is when i size the window down, if this is any clues?

Not a big gamer, so not really familiar with what depends on what 😅


The install is Gentoo 64bit on i5-4590 kernel is 5.19.0 Gentoo release.

Is there any options or something that can be entered in the console in order to diagnose this? I see that there is no real error output in the terminal while starting the game.


Edited by daniel753429

Sorry for bumping this again.

I'm really stuck with this. Is there any possibility that there is a debug-mode or something that can assist with finding this graphical issue?




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