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How to join openrct2 with the steam version so steam counts the hours?

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Was wondering how to merge openrct2 with the steam version so when i open rct2 through steam it opens Openrct2 and counts the hours and has the overlay. Found a reddit post about it but the files to download 404'd and all i can find is posts all over about how they had already done it but no mention of how they did it. Any help would be great thank you!

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Steam runs rct2.exe in the RCT2 installation folder. As long as that process or any child process of it is running, steam will count your play time. To make it count you OpenRCT2 play time, you must replace that rct2.exe by another executable that either is OpenRCT2 or opens OpenRCT2 (and maybe also run the game through steam).

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