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Let's say that I want to release my wip showcase pics. So when I click move to a next page, it freezes and I don't know how it happened! It wasn't supposed to freeze. It took me 5 hours to search some appropriate scenery to build my first park as my project! It took me 1.5 hours to work on this scenario! What's going on?1592433487_Screenshot(49).thumb.png.3de05db978a1c6c223b8aeaaf19bdc39.png

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The Scenario Editor is very buggy. I cannot say for sure why it freezes in your case without having a landscape to test it with.


It took me 5 hours to search some appropriate scenery to build my first park as my project! It took me 1.5 hours to work on this scenario!

Did you save your work in the meantime? You should be able to load one and continue with it.

If you don't: check if you have any autosaves. They are in a subfolder of the "save" folder.

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