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Crash On Editing Signs?

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I'm having several issues with the "3D Sign" and "Scrolling Signs." The first issue I noticed was after I had placed 4 of the 3D Signs. When I placed the Scrolling Sign, it changed one of my 3D Signs to the text that was on the Scrolling Sign. When I tried to switch that 3D Sign back, it changed the Scrolling Sign as well. Then, oddly enough, I tried to nickname a Janitor and it changed a different 3D Sign to his name.  And occasionally when I try to edit the signs I will crash upon right clicking them. I'm not sure how to report bugs properly on these forums, but I attached a file of the crash dmp file. Thanks!


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Thanks for the report, but bugs and crashes should be reported on the issue tracker on GitHub, there's a link for it in this very same subforum: https://openrct2.org/forums/forum/2-problems-bugs-and-feedback/ (Issue Tracker link). It looks like your bug has not been reported yet, so you can make one about it. Make sure to include the dump file, and in this case also the saved game, because it might be related.

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