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Time played

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've used the launcher for quite some time now (several months) always been logged in but it's never updated my playtime :( I was hoping that it was calculated by taking the date from the saved games.
Have you enabled it in the settings?http://gyazo.com/809a3bd72f329ab9af048005aad90e2c(it's in Dutch, but you should tick the first one to upload played time, and the second one to use the saved games)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wasn't aware of the settings section (Has that always been there?!)I just updated and the launcher has definitely changed in terms of visuals. It let me log in with the launcher, but says "offline mode: no internet connection could be found" so I'm unsure if it's working

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I wasn't aware of the settings section (Has that always been there?!)I just updated and the launcher has definitely changed in terms of visuals. It let me log in with the launcher, but says "offline mode: no internet connection could be found" so I'm unsure if it's working
I see you've played for 6 minutes so it should have worked ;)However, if you see that warning, that means that a ping to google (IP: has failed. And since Google is never offline, we concluded that you don't have an active internet connection... It's possible tho that Google is blocked in your country or something. If that's the case, the logging in, time and saved game syncing will just keep working, as long as you do have an internet connection.The internet check is purely for the first image slideshow in the main window :-)
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