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Can I play RC1 scenarios with openRC2

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I believe the OpenRCT2 project does aim to support RCT1 file formats but this is a bit fragile at the moment; not everything is imported properly, some parks don't load at all, and various RCT1 features are still missing. Therefore, if you want to play RCT1 scenarios, it's probably best to download the recreations, available here. These are RCT2 scenarios made to match the originals as closely as possible; there will be some differences.

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I'd personally just play the re-creations, they are basically the same scenarios, I believe just more rides/scenary etc.  The pricing system is like rct2, but with openrct 2 cheats u can make pricing however you want!  

I love rct 1 as I grew up on it, but it's limited compared to rct 2, I personally have zero desire to play rct1 anymore, would rather play the old maps in rct 2 :)

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