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Everything posted by Jamaka2001

  1. Jamaka2001

    Group Park 2

    Go ahead and skip my turn, I'm feeling under the weather.
  2. Jamaka2001

    Group Park 2

    I'm busy with school stuff for the rest of the night, would it be okay if I worked on it tomorrow afternoon?
  3. CHANNEL 4 BREAKING NEWS! Our helicopter got this shot of the work-in-progress entrance of Sunshine Hills! There also seems to be a steel coaster being built, but only this piece seems to be built, I wonder what it will be. Rumors have spread that the code name of this coaster is C.D, the colors might represent what this name stands for. Keep tuned here for more breaking news! Here is a screenshot of semi-revised entrance. P.S. It sucks EDIT: This is weird.. I chose Channel 4, I've made 4 topics and this is my 44th post.
  4. Jamaka2001

    Group Park 2

    For CTR's could we use the Intiman Wing Coaster and the B&M Wing from this site?
  5. Alright, I'll wait for the next one. Will CS/CTR be involved or will it be strictly NCSO?
  6. Would it be okay if I joined? (Sorry if it's to late.)
  7. That's.. weird.. If you need me to pick at the game and search for stuff I'm free right now to stream.
  8. I saved this to Xtreme's 200x200 map forgetting that I had a separate one for this specific scenario then exited out of ORCT2 (saving can be seen at 1:50:15 )
  9. When loading a save file which consisted of this. ( I get this error...
  10. As much as I would like, when trying to raise the land, it only does it in 5x5 diag style and the highlighter is screwed up.
  11. Picture: Welcome to Calamity Hills, my first scenario that I've made. You have just remembered that you have this spare land, you want to add it to the huge chain of theme parks that that you own. Be careful though, guests will be harder to get due to the remote location! NOTE: This does have CS and CTR's, but only a few. This park will be under "Challenging Parks" Download here:
  12. Welcome to Sunshine Hills, a newly bought plot of land for you to expand on! Can you try and build the land of your dreams, or have you just wasted money? Here is the start of the park and will be amended as new things are added! :D
  13. So... ummm. I made the random choice to try and start Open RCT2 through the launcher, and it worked... Hopefully this isn't just a phase, but I honestly don't know how this happened... The only thing that doesn't load is my custom content which I'm sure can be fixed in the future. Edit: everything is in full working order.Edit2: Some custom parks I've tried are having a little bit of trouble loading, will try more. Edit3: It isn't working anymore after a restart..
  14. Alright thanks, sorry for all the trouble.
  15. So, I guess I'll go in my corner unless a magical breakthrough evolves.
  17. I haven't gotten to change the directory in the Command Prompt since the code was a single line, I just get this...
  18. The first format worked.
  19. That failed, so would it be this instead?
  20. Once again my stupidity ruins everything :( (Sorry.)
  21. I'm unsure where the zip to the AVG is, as it was installed almost 3 years ago. EDIT: I'm stupid, sorry.
  22. After removing 2, only AVG but I am unable to uninstall it and disabling it doesn't appear to work.
  23. EDIT: It's up now.
  24. If anyone would need me to stream/skype share screen to see what's going on, I can do that. (Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse.)
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