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Everything posted by bleh

  1. this is the save file. i'm not sure if that's all i need to upload. Venusian Erg (Legendary).park
  2. i'd be interested to see some of the smaller, and less elaborate creations in that giant screenshot. it's hard to tell what's what. the white and red one in the centre caught my eye, as did the ice blue one near the top left. here's a long and convoluted coaster i needed to make to meet the requirement of 2000 metres (1.24 miles) for this massive park. don't mind the greenery being random.
  3. that's a nice looking coaster, BE. are you planning on doing anything to it? any track modifications to boost stats, or perhaps some scenery/theming? what does your mind think? anyway, i come back to this thread to share another track i've recently been working on. it's a bit messy imo, but it has great stats. i cannot think of a decent theme, nor scenery for it, but i put some random stuff in there for now and will figure that part out later. getting the stats there is the easy part, but using the basic scenery in a way that looks pretty is tough.
  4. i'd need to see it in action to be able to decipher what's going on. ok i downloaded the map and had a look. it's a mindfuck of tile inspector madness- lots of hidden track pieces with your most likely issue being how to sequence them all to make it work the way it does. i have no expertise in this area, so you probably know more than i do. if you can replicate one single portion of the halfpipe thing (as in drop in, go up and back down one halfpipe, then reverse on the s-bend to go up and back down on the next halfpipe), it should be a case of just copy and pasting it for however long you want it to go for. how it maintains speed i am not sure. likely hidden boosts or chain lifts. or maybe that plugin does something. i'm also not sure how it is able to have partly incomplete track and be open. my guess is the base ride type, or cheats, or that plugin again. sorry i can't be of any help.
  5. i'm not sure how to help you with your problem because i'm not sure what it is you're having a problem with, but this guide helped me understand how to make things work.
  6. thank you for the response. i can provide the files to be able to build the tracks in your own parks, if you're curious and would like to test/inspect them. i would enjoy hearing any criticisms and feedback or suggestions to improve as well. Vegitator.td6 Crème Caramel.td6 Sublime.td6
  7. i was directed here to post some of the tracks i've made/saved and decorated. i usually only make these tracks in the track designer, so it's not as creative as a whole park, but the upside is that most of them don't require any special theming aside from train types. i only have 2 tracks i'm comfortable presenting at the moment. there are more i've done as practice, but i'm not the author of some of them (just the decoration).
  8. bleh

    Equia Wonderland

    more pictures with commentary, or perhaps even a video showcasing your works would be cool. i am trying to sus out where i can post pictures of the coaster tracks i've made and decorated. would you happen to know where the place for that is in this forum?
  9. how about a haunted maze? guests get scared by spooky themed features. custom maze sections with custom sprites showing monsters hanging around the paths, in the walls, or flying above, or something. there could be special sections that look like they are walkable by guests, and when a guest approaches what would appear to us players as a monster doing monster things, the guest does a jump scare (like when deciding not to enter a queue line for something too intense) and turn around because it's actually a dead end. there could also be regular custom maze sections for wider, crooked/banked, or zigzag paths, stairs or sloped paths, tunnels (as mentioned above) etc. there could even be futuristic theming, and the maze could employ portals to teleport guests from one part of the maze to another. thinking about it, there could be custom maze theming and special pieces for almost all of the different theme sets.
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