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  1. This is definitely a must have
  2. I like this idea
  3. Why did so many features get removed from RCT2 when they were in RCT1? It might come across as off-topic, but I only ask because of how many references there are to track elements/features being reintroduced that were removed from RCT2.
  4. This is awesome, thank you for all your hard work.
  5. Exactly, stat calculation could use a total overhaul.
  6. They may not be errors in the conventional sense, but they are oversights. Particularly regarding ride stats and vertical Gs in relation to the example given by OP and subsequently me.
  7. Yes, yes, yes. Banked, 90 degrees and overbanked track/ride pieces/turns.
  8. I'm not complaining, I am making an observation about something that should have been included in the original game. I can see I am not the only person who has encountered this and thought to post about it, I am the one to post about it most recently though. I've seen YouTube videos about using the console and shoestringing to prevent ride stats changing but that's not a solid or comprehensive solution to an issue that is much bigger than one track design/ride type. It's an important part of the game, getting decent stats makes a big difference to success in scenarios and that's all based on some flawed logic. I give credit to LordMarcel for his very comprehensive guides, particularly
  9. Before OpenRCT 2 came along, I wouldn't have questioned the stat calculations in the game. It's only because I've seen the possibilities that I mention this. It's partly down to the fact that I've seen many people complain about recreating real-life rides and the stats being terrible, even though in real life the ride is great. I still remember going to school and taking floppy disks with me so I could download a coaster design from the internet and take it home to install on my PC at home (we didn't even have dial up at that point). I loves these games when they came out and they still have a special place in my heart, I just hope that someone out there who feels the same way as me about the stats and is more capable than I am is able to do something about it.
  10. It's good to know some stats have been changed, it would be really good to see things modified as suggested.
  11. Ride stats need to be more realistic, penalties for inversions, drops and long ride tracks aren't realistic and that means it's not as enjoyable making coasters in RCT 2 for me. Maybe all the currency values could be altered too, so that everything more closely relates to real world prices (millions instead of thousands for coasters for example)?
  12. Has there been any progress on this? I came here after my fun has been ruined building long length coasters that really aren't that rough and get penalised solely on length. There should be a mod/plugin for more realistic ride stats already.
  13. Thanks for clarifying, I basically wanted to work those into a test design so it incorporates a lot of those and won't work without them. Plus, I made the track in track designer so I can't save it at all.
  14. Damn, I love the new hybrid coaster and had a shock when I went to save a track design and it told me "Track elements not supported by track design format". I don't want to lose it, is there anything I can do?
  15. Hello there, has anyone come across a build of Alton Towers as of 2022? It's sad looking back at the official release from Chris Sawyer from all those years ago because things have changed so much and also, with OpenRCT2, it's possible to recreate a lot more of the rides as they are (for example, the track switch on Galactica.
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