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Everything posted by aim9x

  1. There are a few scenarios I've won just by only placing gentle rides & shops. I beat Pacifica ($8000 in ride tickets) by building 136 mazes. It rained in the month before completing the scenario and I kept building more mazes, so it was a bit of overkill with 10k in ride tickets in the final month. You'll run into some guest retention issues with only gentle rides, as I don't think I broke 1000 guests even with such a high soft guest cap. You can always build thrill rides to attract the guests that need more intense rides, so you can beat practically any scenario with just gentle+thrill rides. Coasters aren't "necessary", but part of the fun is to build coasters to fit with your park theme.
  2. I started using this mod once v.0.3.0 hit and it's really neat. I don't like to cheese too heavily, so I often will set a price for something and then check your mod to see how far off I was. My perceived value of thrill rides is way off. I would love it if clicking a coaster in the box did the same thing as clicking a coaster in the game to open its info and settings, but I don't know what is/isn't capable in these plugins. Perhaps a left click to refurbish and right click to open coaster info (or the other way around). I don't know if you're still supporting this at all, but in the new stable openrct2 release (v0.3.0), there are a lot of scenarios that won't allow this plugin to open its window. There seem to be certain pre-built rides/shops that just stop the plugin window from opening. Here are a few examples: In Diamond Heights (rct1 base), you can't open the window until you demolish Arachnophobia. In Electric fields (rct2 base), it seems like the window can't open until you destroy the Balloon Stall (really weird, especially since you're filtering shops out). In the Sherwood Forest map (first scenario in Time Twister RCT2 expansion), it seems like you have to delete all the shops (including the restroom) to get it to open. Again, really neat plugin. Thanks for putting it out for us to use.
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