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Everything posted by KevinWhzkd

  1. You are correct! They are Mushroom houses. I have the files here for you. They are findable on Buggy's RCT Download Page: You can download more objects and other stuff from there. Enjoy! MUSH1MKY.DAT MUSH2MKY.DAT
  2. Nevermind. I asked it yesterday on the NE-Designs forum and got the objects within hours. Finally after 13 years. For the people who are curious about the objects you can download them here (account on NE-Designs needed):
  3. You're welcome.
  4. You can find the Object Editor here: Scroll down to the RCT2 Object Editor for the download.
  5. What you are seeing is correct. To the left at the Object Selection screen you can see what type of ride it is, for example the Boat Hire. Those are available vehicles that you can use when building a Boat Hire. This is the same for all the other vehicles and rides. This is why you can only see 6 available rides because those vehicles you selected are not separate rides but vehicles for one ride.
  6. Hello! I am looking for help for some objects. I am searching for a long time for german level crossings objects. I did finally found the objects from the famous objectcreator DasMatze on a website called RCT-World but i cannot download it. Is there somebody who does have the .DAT's? I know that the .DATS's are in a zip file called Schranken. I also tried to use the website WayBackMachine to find older pages but i didn't found a download that works. This is the page where you can see the download: Schranken I also added the image ofthe objects. I vaguely remember that the names of the .DAT's are something like MDSCHR1, MDSCHR2, MDSCHR3 and MDSCHR4. There is no known way for me to contact DasMatze. I really want those objects but it is impossible for me to download them. Thank you!
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