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  1. I see. Regardless I still don't think its OpenRCT2's job to moderate that. I do think that servers with slurs in the title/description should be blocked from being listed on the master server list (though I haven't seen that before so this might already be done) and maybe add an (optional) word filter to filter out bad stuff in the chat.
  2. Solution: if it offends you, don't look at it. OpenRCT2 doesn't and should never moderate what other people do on their private servers. If you're offended by how people moderate their servers, either join another one or make your own. It's that simple.
  3. Yo guys, not sure if anyone still checks onto this forum but might as well post. Just wanted to bump and say the server is up again. I have two servers online, one on (at the time of this writing) the latest release build, and one with the limits lifted, aka I've added some custom scenery and rides to both servers though 0.3.51-3 obviously has a lot more. This time the servers are at and respectively. Have fun!
  4. The server is back up once again. The IP is the exact same -, but this time, with a different port. Server is running on the latest dev build and still requires TT/WW expansions. Pretty much everything is allowed this time around except obvious vandalism and destroying others rides. Enjoy!
  5. Dartz's Freebuild is back! After a long absence from OpenRCT2 I have returned and I'm hosting my server once again. The new IP/port is and it should be up for a while this time. Once again no custom content except stuff from Time Twister/Wacky World which you can get from Steam/Discord/GOG if you don't have it already. Enjoy!
  6. I recently put my server back online after a few months of it being down. Dartz's Freebuild is a server dedicated to building whatever you want - coasters, generic attractions, etc! Build anything to your heart's desire. You do not need to ask for permissions - just start building. You can find us in the server browser, or you can add it to your favorites: - Server #1 (running whatever the newest dev build is) - Server #2 (running whatever the newest stable build is) All map sizes on the servers are 254x254. There's a few custom rides but no Time Twister/Wacky World scenery or rides so you don't need those two expansion packs to play on the server. The maps are cleared when the ride limit is reached. The map is backed up hourly. Rules: -Do not build any killer rides (rides that kill guests). -Do not spam paths. -Do not delete rides that aren't yours. -Do not grief; your permissions will be stripped and you will be banned from the server permanently.
  7. Apologies for the bump but the reason so many servers do not allow you to join without a password or without being approved is simply because of the amount of trolls in OpenRCT2 online. There are designated "trolling" groups which go onto servers just to ruin and destroy everything and in fact I think griefers almost outnumber legitimate players. Since my server keeps frequent backups of my park and I have a banning system in place this is mostly not an issue for me. But that is really the reason there are so many people who protect their servers - because they do not have time to monitor the server to make sure nobody messes it up. I am thinking of maybe creating a database of trolls for server admins to utilize so they can ban the well known griefers/trolls from their server which will in turn make people less afraid of hosting an unpassworded server.
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