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Everything posted by DaKoasterNerd

  1. Ok, here ya go. Hope you can sort this out. Hearfield's Land of Amusement.sv6
  2. OpenRCT2 version: v0.2.0-233 (0b03464 on develop) For some reason my MultiDimensional Rollercoaster refuses to show ratings at all. I don't have any "infinite loop" rides at all, all other rides have no problem with their ratings. No rides are corrupt, save file is not corrupt. I don't know what the problem is and I'm pretty sure it's a bug of some kind. Any help/feedback would be welcomed.
  3. Yup, I can confirm. It has happening to me too. This bug renders the game unplayable.
  4. Yes, I agree with you. There should be a long drop and as you said, that would be less intense. Talking about Woodie's, I wonder if it is possible to implement an RMC coaster type into OpenRCT? That seriously would be the bomb! Imagine an RMC in RCT2! I imagine though, it would require a lot of work and could only be done when OIpenRCT no longer uses RCT2. Maybe a future development perhaps? We will have to wait and see.
  5. UPDATE i now have all the things I wanted (rainer wise). All to do next: Download a huge amount of Custom Content!
  6. Yes I play RCT2 more than 3 (I personally think that 2 is better) but I want to try and change that perspective by using 'hacks' to make the game better (like in OpenRCT).
  7. Yes that will help in most cases but I would also like to merge tracks and have any element as a lift (enables vertical lifts). Oh thanks! I'll do that when I get a chance.
  8. Ah... okay. I don't know how to do that though but I'm sure I could find out!
  9. Yup. I have them all - they are incredibly useful. Also (side question), do you know any modding tools similar to Trigger's for RCT3? Any hacks, trainer, programs or anything? I'm hoping to get it again (I've played it before) but I want to be able to play it and still have all (if not, most) of the options available in OpenRCT. Any help?
  10. Ah Okay, I'll try that thanks.
  11. Okay, I see it needs some work. Which ones need changing?
  12. I thought it would be cooler that way Plus I didn't think to do that. Sorry if I disappointed you.
  13. I have made an RCT2 style Windows 7 Theme that utilizes the RCT Colour Scheme, Font and actual sounds from the game! It is only basic though and I have personalized as much as I possibly could. Here is some screenshots and the pack. RCT2 Basic.themepack Enjoy
  14. Oh... Well I built it because I thought it would look cool and adds an 'icon' to the park. The view would be awesome so I think I'll keep it. (It is RCT after all :P)
  15. Like a CN Tower type maybe? I'm being inspired by Sky Tower at Six Flags and just imagine the view!
  16. Yes I know about the real TOGO ones but I wanted to do more of an Arrow Pipeline coaster. I think the pipeline coaster looks better with turns. I believe that TOGO did infact get around the turning problem by simply banked the track at 90 degrees. I can't seem to find a picture anywhere but they went out of business before it could actually be built.
  17. That is completely true. I find that the Air Powered RC trains were originally designed to go upside down. I have used an Air-Powered train on Twister Track - made the loop with no graphic issues at all. Also I actually like building 4D coasters. It is challenging yes, but if done right it looks pretty cool! The Heartline Twister coaster is a bit difficult to work with (limited elements available). For the park I am building at the moment, I have merged it with LIM coaster track so it can turn and do immelmann type elements (for example). I don't know why but Heartline coasters look the coolest for me and I end up building one when I'm building a park almost all of the time.
  18. I currently have a 500+ft Elevator that takes 43 seconds to reach the top. This is causing problems as the lines are always full. I have added another to minimise the effect but it only helps a little bit. Would it be possible to have an adjustable Elevator speed? This would help a lot (especially with huge elevators like I have).
  19. Well, may as well show you the rest of the park. [This will be VERY LONG] MUTINY BAY SPIRIT OF SPEED Caesar Lord of Speed - Inspired by Rita's (Alton Towers) track layout and extended. Check out the PetaTower supports (Ride is over 500ft) PHOBIC VALLEY SATAN'S KINGDOM ] PYRO MANIA CROSS VALLEY Steel Venom was supposed to be a PolerCoaster but turned into this... Still good IMO! EuroFighter (Enranged) HEART OF CHINA This is QI, a massive B&M Floorless Coaster NO AREA NAME GIVEN YET This is Rush! A modified Premier Rides SkyRocket II 3000AD That's all for now, I will update in the future. Any comments/feedback/criticism would be appreciated.
  20. I am running v0.0.5-develop build 09863a4 The error is that I cannot change the wooden coaster train to another train (I can only use the default 4-car wooden train and I can't change it to an Articulated). Also there is a Graphic bug with the wooden rollercoaster too (see below).
  21. I am running v0.0.5-develop build 09863a4 The error is that I cannot change the wooden coaster train to another train (I can only use the default 4-car wooden train and I can't change it to an Articulated). Also there is a Graphic bug with the wooden rollercoaster too (see below).
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