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  1. It's not a massive issue at all. I feel many of the responses to this will mainly consist of 'just be more vigilant'. However a minor issue I have when playing online is not realising that I've disconnected from the server because of a lack of data connection. My problem is that I've gotten into a habit of clicking 'X' on the popup messages that appear mainly because they are usually just 'desync detected'. I sometimes get so focused on what it is I'm building, I don't realise it was a disconnection message until I'm either well into the construction or have completed it. Now when I say 'constructing' I mostly refer to scenery building and decoration. Those that have seen some of my previous works understand I don't just add a few trees, I mostly go all out on everything, so rebuilding it all again is quite a chore and really puts me off playing much longer after the discovery. I have absolutely no knowledge on development or how feasible things are, but is it out of the question to request the disconnection message be a different colour? Say I see a red message box instead of the default blue, I would take more notice of it and be less likely to habitually discard the message without realising its true meaning. As I said, it's only a triviality and I'm not sure many other users suffer similar problems. I just thought I'd throw in my two pence worth and see what responses I get.
  2. I will openly admit in my early days of aging multiplayer, I did exactly what was described in the initial post. Though in my defence it was only to get away with sorting out the less experienced builders when they botched paths or made incredibly unsightly scenery near one of my rides. I don't continue that practice anymore of course, but if it was easy for someone as (mostly) honest and morally upstanding as me, it must be for those with nefarious intentions. I agree that mods and admin should have access to lengthier lists of backlogged actions. My only concern is that if it's based on the current 'last action' feature we have, it would be too vague to decipher what happened. I mean could it not end up looking like: Last action: Scenery, Scenery, Path, Build Ride, Scenery, Path, Remove Ride? Whilst it could he possible to distinguish the culprit from this info it could still be a bit problematic if another user happened to also remove a ride and then continue on with other things. Then it's a case of do you as the host believe they players are truthful or know the whole story? Perhaps if the list of actions had a timestamp on them to distinguish when they happened, it could clear up some of the confusion for those hosts willing to run a ship shape server. That's my two pence on the matter anyway, I've rambled on enough for one night.
  3. Unfortunately it appears also back in this mess again. It worked last night as Cascadia said, but now I too get a similar error message. I uninstalled the entire openrct2 and the original game completely, no trace of RCT or the mod on my system, again reverted back to stable build 0.0.4 and still the problem persists. I have managed to get the game working again, but weirdly enough it only works if I download one of the build exe files and install the game and from the end of the installation click "play now". The game works perfectly from there, but upon exiting and trying to open it up with the OpenRct2.exe rather than the installation file I get the error message and no startup. I can deal with having this convoluted way of starting the game up, but I just cannot fathom why it only works through installing the game and immediately clicking play now.
  4. YAY! Thank you so much Cascadia! I'd hug you if I weren't shackled by the bounds of text based interaction. I did exactly as you said, found the files in the ObjectData folder and got rid of all of them marked for the most recent date and hey presto, we're back in business! and I believe it was the same server, I remember thinking about general Zod because of the name. Seriously though, thank you very much for helping me out,you brought a happy gleeful smile to this grim northern git
  5. Right, I'm not well versed in techno jargon so i'll keep it simple and hope you can do the same for me. I was casually surfing through the various multiplayer servers as I usually do. I attempted to connect to one, again nothing out of the ordinary so far, when all of a sudden just after the data countdown reached its target, my game crashed. Thinking nothing of it i tried to open the game back up when I get the message "openrct2.exe has stopped working". The result was the same for the next three attempts. So I uninstall the OpenRCT2 data with the uninstaller, reinstall the program and it started up! Huzzah! Success!... until I tried to join a server and the same happened as before, CRASH! I tried that again and I was back to square one, no launch as before. I then tried degrading the program back to stable build 0.0.4 to see if that would work. but no. the game has reverted back to not starting at all and giving me the same message. Same again when i tried to install the latest development build. I am also getting the black "command" box (Sorry if that's not what it's called, it's just how I know it) with some mention of "dump path... dump pile" I'll include a screenshot to explain. I'm at a complete loss when it comes to these sorts of things and would appreciate any suggestion to help me out here.
  6. Some of you may have seen me loitering about the servers the past month or so. I thought it was about time to register here. I am a (as of writing) a 22 year old bloke from the Northwest region of England, so be aware I tend to say "aye" much akin to a Scotsman a lot. Rather peculiarly having played this game since I was young, I'm actually not that brilliant at making coasters and find I prefer building and grafting heavily on scenery around slow track rides I.e log flumes, go carts, car rides etc. Hope to you all in servers soon. Happy grafting! 😉
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