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Everything posted by Yimmy

  1. Yimmy

    Group Park 3

    yeah wuis you can move my stuff
  2. Granted, they all come to this site instead I wish there where less desyncs on openrct2 servers
  3. Yimmy

    Group Park 3

    not really :/
  4. Yimmy

    Group Park 3

    my goodness i almost feel like t;s not ok that i didn't theme things cause that was really, really fastThe part with the checkerboard under it is my part The OpenRCT Group Park 3.51.sv6 Queue: @RedScope53 , WobblyRails, Dan, Broxzier, ziscor, Cascadia, wilburg22, jensj12, Wuis, YimmyMissed: imlegos , SuperVarken, philmon11
  5. Yimmy

    Group Park 3

    the pressure is real Anyway, as I said, someone else will have to theme my ride
  6. Yimmy

    Group Park 3

    I guess I'll join the queue, however, I don't do scenery so someone else will have to theme it
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