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Everything posted by Thewarf321

  1. Yeah join my game one day and learn from the person who everyone hates from being TO good at this game.
  2. Sorry Yolo! I spelled your name wrong!
  3. Well, considering we finished it in less then a day, I don't know if some people would consider a mega park. The scenario was a desert in California that was better then our main competitor: Six Flags Magic Mountain. What a shame Six Flags, better luck next time :_( Credit: Thewarf321(me) Ethiopian Deluxe Tommy SGOT Yoloswegglord ( Blubin Kevin Pizzaman1994 Thethrillman Dapperation Supra the hedgehog marcb imlegos Ruhtra Kola Here are a few photos: Thanks to everyone that helped! Next mega park should be soon!
  4. Well first of all, I know you hate me Ethiopean but they both need better colors, AND it's kind of hard to vote off of appearance when they both look ugly. At least give it some scenery. If I had to choose it would easily be 2 because of it's stats. Congrats to whoever made it.
  5. So recently I started my second mega park. The first one was fun because everyone was doing what I asked of them. There were a few people who I had to take a way permissions because they were not building realistically. So I load up the second mega park map and a few people who won't be named go around saying that my rules are stupid and use a lot of profanity in the process. First of all, this is my server. It's my rules. If you can't respect them then go play on another server. Second of all, don't get mad at me when I enforce my rules. Because if I didn't, they wouldn't be rules. I understand that some people are more fit for a sandbox server then a realism server. In fact, that is usually where I tell them to go play on. If I tell you your breaking my realism rules then your going to get punished. Don't argue with me because, like I said it is my server with my own rules. Some people might say that my rules are not clear enough. Well just in case that is true, I posted them down here. 1. Build realistically. For example, if someone builds a go cart track that has drops and airtime hills, I will not accept it because, let's be honest. Has anyone ever seen that in real life. If so tell me where you have because I want to see for myself. This rule also includes the following things: Do NOT build a station to high above the ground. (Over 15 ft. unless your going to build a decent looking station) Do NOT build the same coaster type twice unless it is a wooden coaster or a twister coaster. do NOT put more then 3 helixes in a row on a ride. do NOT put a tiny drop then an inversion then a big drop on a ride (Unless it's it's one of the launch coasters) do NOT build a ride without at least building a tiny station do NOT use trees on sandy land do NOT put a ride that is the same color then the one next to it (Unless I think it looks okay, Like dark blue next to water blue) do NOT build a coaster that goes next to the path ways unless your planing to build a wall next to it. Yes I know. After reading all these rules your probably outraged and mad at me for being so strict. Yes I'm sorry. But considering the fact that all the people who helped with the first mega park can follow these rules without me even telling them is pretty astonishing. Like I said, some people are just better at build sandbox/legit then realism.
  6. This is a step by step tutorial to show how we mlg people kill guests in RCT. The first step is to build a rollercoaster. A nice one. One that your guests will enjoy. Make sure to decorate it. Make it fun and intense at the same time to make your guest happy. As seen below. Make your park look nice. Add trees and mountains to please your guests Invite your guest in. He will love your rides. Let him enjoy the taste of your fries and soda. Let him have fun! 4. Create a "V.I.P." Section of your park that your guest will be accepted into. He will love it! 5. Create a VIP only launched free fall! And be sure to set the speed to max! 6. The more the merrier! Let him ride it with a friend! This will provide maximum 'exit'ment! 7. Blast off! And thats how you kill guests with sweg. Have a nice day!
  7. I thought the "Custom Content" Section was for people putting download links to there premade coasters. I figured this would go in tips and tricks because I thought it meant that people would respond with tips and tricks. Either way i'm sorry. I'm new lol
  8. I noticed one day that I had an RMC rollercoaster on my rides list. I say to myself, "Holy crap! This game has RMC trains?!" and I put down the station and start building track, only to find that the track isn't the same type as in the picture in coaster designer. I was really let down by this. But then I asked myself, "What was the track I saw in the picture then?" and now I am asking the same thing. Does the RMC track seen in the picture available? If so how do I get it?
  9. Thanks for all your help guys! New empty park will hopefully start on Saturday! <3
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