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Everything posted by Benj_xD

  1. buy from gog it comes complete with dlc and is quick an easy to buy
  2. uhm are u saying u can add passwords during a game? meant host options for during a server session. i think a un advertise server check box would be nice for now. just so i can temporary hide from crazy ppl that spam click my room.
  3. ye i had a quick look yesterday was cool idea nice to see ya made it to the otherside. is good multiplayer map idea.
  4. lol DEVS please chime in i cant explain the open source stuff very well im no expert. anyhoo i can however say that yes openrct2 will be free always so hooray for that, and multiplayer is still new so needs more development, its also not like most modern day games u cant just login and throw a game up cause the game uses our pcs to make the game play online instead of a public server. im no expert at networkin either so i cant help much with your firewalls u can try alt-tab back to windows desktop and see if theres a pop-up window asking if u want to unblock the game basically if u want to host you have to forward your ports which many ppl don't know how to do in 2016. go google forward ports and learn how to do that if u wanna host a game. keep checking back and downloading the latest update as the game is being constantly updated by the community.
  5. iv been hosting public servers mainly cause i just want to get to know the community as im new to openrct2, its fun havin randoms join in but sometime my server gets really lagged out and ppl start gettin kicked out cause of the lag spikes fromm ppl who can never join and yea it always ends in chaos cause players are tryin to re-join while someguy is just spammin my server constantly failing to connect lmao is just chaos atm. i would like to see some in-game host options like un advertise server, lock/unlock server joins or maybe even add a password. i dunno if any of this is on your guys to do list
  6. ok forget about old copys of rct2 the devs never made multiplayer for this game the community did. u need openrct2 which i guess u have. opensource projects update all the time so either download the latest stable build or juust download the newest daily update. on the server list put your cursor over the little green/red icon at right of every game this tells you what version of openrct2 the host is using. if its green that means you have the same version and can join the server. multiplayer is made open source and isnt finished its buggy and u need to make sure ur pc isnt blocking the connection and forward your ports if you want to host a game. cant really just jump in blind cause it prob wont work well. please do try openrct2 singleplayer though its really good and u even hav a cheat tab if u wanna mess around.
  7. thanks guys, was hosting rct2 all day yesterday i learned lots from the 'pro' players is a good community. now im goin to play an easy scenario offline and hopefully win this time round im hooked on openrct2.
  8. just got openrct2 yesterday. iv been interested in it for about a year been watching joel play openrct2 on youtube (ya another vinesauce fan :p) i simply couldnt resist the chance to play this old game online i used to play rct2 when i was a kid. i would like to play with ppl who know the game but are willing to tell me when im doing something wrong teach me how to play again, i like to micromanage the thrill/gentle rides, handymen and decorations rather than building coasters. oh and a big thank you to everyone who has worked on making open rct2 i love gog's thanks for keeping this one alive.
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