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Scenario Compatibility

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I have a couple questions about scenario compatibility between RCT1, RCT2, and Open RCT. - Currently, based on my testing, a scenario created with the Open RCT scenario editor can be run in the original RCT2. Will this always be the case, or do you imagine you'll end up creating a separate Open RCT scenario format in the future, so you can support new features? I want to ensure every scenario I design is compatible with the original RCT2. - Is it part of the plan for the future of Open RCT to make it able to run RCT1 scenario files, or are there just too many differences between the games (i.e. park value calculations) for this to be feasible?Thanks.


At the moment OpenRCT2 uses the original file formats, and it should be able to do so as long as nothing huge has changed (for example, more than 128 selected rides). As soon as that is possible, OpenRCT2 will have to switch to it's own file format, hence not runnable in the original game.Importing of RCT1 and RCT2 scenarios, saved games and tracks should be possible in the future.

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