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Message: entrance fee is too high -> Admission price: Free!

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I have a problem white a bigger Park.

Message: "your park entrance fee is too high"

Admission price: "Free" -> I can't reduce anything here!

The effect is that the number of visitors is falling sharply.


What can I do to eliminate this message and prevent the large number of guests from leaving?

Or is that a bug?



  • Informative 1
17 hours ago, jensj12 said:

What is the admission price if you (temporarily) enable 'pay for entry' in the cheats or scenario options?

it is 0€

a change to 1€ doesn't change anything this problem


  • 4 weeks later...

Other Park, the same problem:-(

I think I've identified the problem:

--- Scenario.cpp ---
static void scenario_entrance_fee_too_high_check()
    const auto max_fee = add_clamp_money16(gTotalRideValueForMoney, gTotalRideValueForMoney / 2);

    if ((gParkFlags & PARK_FLAGS_PARK_OPEN) && ParkGetEntranceFee() > max_fee)
                News::AddItemToQueue(News::ItemType::Blank, STR_ENTRANCE_FEE_TOO_HI, packed_xy, {});

--- other .cpp/.h ---
money16 gTotalRideValueForMoney;

using money16 = fixed16_1dp;
using fixed16_1dp = int16_t;

INT16_MAX = 32767;

Viewing these Variables with scrip:

'park.totalRideValueForMoney: 32328'
'park.entranceFee: 0'

with problems
'park.totalRideValueForMoney: -32730'
'park.entranceFee: 0'

The 16-Bit signed variable "gTotalRideValueForMoney" has an overflow and makes a wrap to negative!
This value is using not only for message "ENTRANCE_FEE_TOO_HI", other functions for rating(?) use this...

Manual addition of all rides = 32806 (see ride_all.xlsx) => b 10000000 00100110 => -32730
sumery of 641 from 1000 (rideCount /OpenRCT2::Limits::MaxRidesInPark)

Suggestion for quick fix:

--- Ride.cpp ---
    uint16_t value;

--- Park.cpp ---
gTotalRideValueForMoney = CalculateTotalRideValueForMoney();
money16 Park::CalculateTotalRideValueForMoney() const
    money16 totalRideValue = 0;    => int32_t totalRideValue = 0;
    bool ridePricesUnlocked = ParkRidePricesUnlocked() && !(gParkFlags & PARK_FLAGS_NO_MONEY);
    for (auto& ride : GetRideManager())
        if (ride.status != RideStatus::Open)
        if (ride.lifecycle_flags & RIDE_LIFECYCLE_BROKEN_DOWN)
        if (ride.lifecycle_flags & RIDE_LIFECYCLE_CRASHED)

        // Add ride value
        if (ride.value != RIDE_VALUE_UNDEFINED)
            money16 rideValue = static_cast<money16>(ride.value); => int32_t rideValue = static_cast<int32_t>(ride.value);
            if (ridePricesUnlocked)
                rideValue -= ride.price[0];
            if (rideValue > 0)
                totalRideValue += rideValue * 2;

  // saturation result to int16
  if (totalRideValue <= INT16_MAX)

    return static_cast<money16>(totalRideValue);
    return INT16_MAX;


Maybe someone who is allowed to edit code can take care of this problem?


ride_all.xlsx t010-124-error.park

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