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Customized icons and banners

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Look at this!View imageAwesome, am I right?!If you want one of these yourself, you can find them at your account page: https://openrct.net/account.phpYou can use them as a forum signature on other forums, as email signature or ....Banner 1 features your username and played time.View imageBanner 2 features your username, played time and a random image. (reload the image a few times and you'll see what I mean)If you want more diversity in banner 2, you can submit screenshots of the window of blue peeps, like this one: View image I will crop it and add it to the banner.Also, if you have any ideas for other icons or banners, let me know!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi these are really cool, and will help show off. How do we get the second banner? as that shows off OpenRCT.new where the other one does not.
It's not officially available, but still: https://openrct.net/u/b1/runelaenen.png just change runelaenen with your own username.Here you go:View image
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