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Everything posted by AM7655

  1. @ExCrafty lol that's amazing! I don't think I've had a ride with excitement above 7. I am getting better tho with each scenario! And thank you for this insight on covered/uncovered queue. Do you know how that applies to ride station itself? For example default is uncovered and picking log cabin is. Does that play any determining role? OR let's say my whole station is a facility made out of scenery pieces, but my queue is just a uncovered path. Would that still trigger "I'm not going on "X" while it's raining"? This is really fun stuff to know. My only struggle is that in playing scenarios and having 3 year limit sometimes isn't enough to get to that level of building. I enjoy it nonetheless. It defiantly adds some challenge, but having all of these new insights help me optimize my park, rides and boost excitement rating plus ridership. Like for example building tunnels for rides or having tracks intersect with some parts crossing water and adding scenery objects etc. I didn't know any of this stuff. Past month I beat about 15 scenarios from RCT. I am learning track layouts from some of those coasters that are in the park as you starts. I also have some that people shared here and I am studying each one to get sense of speed, turns, length. So far there's this second wooden caster that shows up early in the game. The one that let's you steep dive with a turn. Thats my go to ride right now. I love how it flows and take all that I am learning to create this Bolder Dash + Vengeance immersive smooth ride. I just want to learn more about the sim to understand slightly more how the game works. This can help me experiment and create better parks, experiences even in span of 2-3 years or whatever the object is.
  2. hi guys! I'm looking to understand the simulation system in RCT2. Here are the things to focus on: RCT2 Manual: 1. Provide transport rides from point to point (every point near a ride) around the park. This will lighten the traffic load on your path system and give tired guests an alternative to walking. - Does this mean that a tired guest prefers using transport rides over walking? At what degree? What is the range of such action? Do they follow some kind of path markers in the simulation? Let's say the guest is far away from train station, does this mean he'll gravitate towards it when tiered? 2. Elevated rides allow your guests to see other rides and areas of the park, which can spark interest in visiting them. - Okay, I need to know more about this. So me building ferris wheel is letting visitors see other attractions? Can someone please help picture this within simulation? What do they see? Is it like a range of sorts? Are the attractions then marked for them in % of desirability. Are the rides marked in green, red and yellow and kept as a log within each guest? This completely warped my idea of the game and up until yesterday I avoided both transpiration and gentle rides. I also found out that gentle rides build confidence for bigger rides. 🤯 3. Coater Sim. Can someone help explain the following please: When I have a fast coaster going down hill then entering banked turn, how does that compare when let's say I go down hill, bring it up and once the coaster looses some momentum I do the banked turn then? I can't figure this one out with how intensely stat works. I feel like everything I build looks like a smooth exciting ride that when stats goes something like 9 intensity, 5 excitement, 4.44 vomiting experience. Looking at pre-builds then, tiny structure and absolute spaghetti sauce with excitement rating 7.9. How do you understand the track simulation? 4. Lastly, Covered rides are more popular when it’s raining. Does this apply to anything underground? What about scenery objects for example digging a pit and making roof over a ride to cover it. what about station platform, covered and uncovered does that do anything? Please share your thoughts, tips or maybe even advance technique that's not everyone knows. Thank you!
  3. @gartor_88 Awesome! Glad you figured it out!! This reminds of firmware/codec bugging out. Check to see for firmware or driver update for your audio interface. This should help remedy it. Sometimes what ends up happing is a generic driver is pushed by the OS when first connecting the device. This could be many things but a common one is the firmware driver is not able to recognize the OS or OS version thus making Win take the driver's seat. Also, could be that the device is not able to fully recognize laptop's USB controller which again let's Win take ownership and pushing whatever it can to make it work. You should check with you laptop manufacturer for any USB controller firmware updates. Because it works otherwise WIN -> USB -> Audio Interface -> Sound, the issue is GAME -> CODEC -> USB - Audio Interface -> Static. 👍
  4. Sounds good. I think in your case this might be something completely different. I was refraining to ShawnRUGAME's original note since he's on Classic and thought you guys have it same. My only thought is maybe you have a cheap audio card to try that way or like a cheap amazon usb DAC to try and switch from your onboard audio to that and see maybe its something with a handshake issues between the game and your system. You'll get it fixed!
  5. Just to clarify so nobody is confused. Classic version has modded files/structure that is known to cause compatibility issues with OpenRCT2, especially audio. Switching over to Triple Trill is highly recommended and also optionally linking Deluxe version to get extra scenarios. Updating ini is just to tell OpenRCT2 were to look for game files because and I don't know how it is on Windows, but on mac when installing OpenRCT2, you pick game location and then uninstalling (like deleting Classic folder) or uninstalling OpenRCT2 doesn't do anything because it remembers the settings. To fix that is to manually update game directory in the config file. Same logic applies on Windows I believe.
  6. @gartor_88see maybe it's here C:/Users/yourUserName/OpenRCT2/ I don't know how it works on windows, but look for the similar folder structure. this is where you'll find auto saves and where you add custom content. Are you all set with Triple Thrill Pack and Deluxe versions? Make sure you have the standalone and not part of the Classic. You are basically updating directory to tell OpenRCT2 where to look.
  7. @ShawnRUGAME@Caldorus@gartor_88 Hey guys, wanted to share my experience because when I got Classic, I had similar issues. From what I understand, the files/folders in the Classic version of the game have been changed/modified causing compatibility issues with OpenRCT2. I switched to RollerCoaster Tycoon® 2: Triple Thrill Pack and Roller Coaster Tycoon® Deluxe. When I did, I also needed to go and update game path in OpenRCT2's config file otherwise it was always looking for Classic. See my screens this should help explain it some more. Hope this helps.
  8. *confirming bug is present with other rides. could be code cascading spilling over to other systems. 16" MacBook Pro i9 Windowed, 3584x2240 @1.25 Bug recreated in OpenGL and Software Drawing ORCT2-Crysis-Other-Rides-2.mp4
  9. *the guests that are stuck might be the ones who went on the ride. Explains why some are able to walk free.
  10. I was trying to beat the park from the save I shared and after about an hour, I noticed guests were mostly accumulating in one area. I've put together this video with notes to help pin point it. There's a high likelihood this is connected to Virginia Reel Ride. It messes up a lot of stuff around it. Hope you can locate the source and take if from here. 🎢 ORCT2-Perfomance-Degridation-Bug-Testing-1.mp4
  11. I've read your note and wanted to go through all the autosaves from last night to find out when this happens so I can explain this a bit better. I might have accidentally stumbled on what this could relate to. This video has me looking for it. I think it has something to do with the ride track supports (maybe even wooden ones); something with transparency or shadows. This could be shadow diffusion over water + sprites rendering on atomic level. Whatever it is, it absolutely tanks my GPU. I've attached my save file. Hoping this could be looked at maybe fixed. Thanks! Whispering Cliffs2.park ORCT-Rendering-Perfomance-Degridation-Bug.mp4
  12. Hi guys, I am playing Whispering Cliffs Park and stumbled on this bug. ORCT-Memmory-Leak-Bug.mp4
  13. Hi guys, I made a mockup with center aligned tool bar icons. Thoughts?
  14. Hi guys, I'm new here and this past weekend started the game on my 2019 MacBook Pro 16'. This was and is my favorite game. I was a kid in Ukraine playing on Pentium something something. My dad was hooked on it too and I actually got him iPad with Classic version of the game this Christmas. This is how I discovered OpenRCT2! I wanted it for myself and went on Steam and things kind of led me here from there. I followed your guides and at first I download Classic version from GOG. It works, but there's no sounds effects. I then went ahead and got Triple Thrill Pack and RCT Deluxe which I linked in game settings. It's been few days of fun now, everything works. I am trying to beat 4th park with 200K value objective. It's going to be my 5th attempt this evening lol I wanted to share my thanks for keeping this game alive. I am having tones of fun! Part of me wishes for slightly better visuals. I tried 4K resolution but that just makes everything microscopic with same result on zooming in. I also find the UI a bit hard to use with a touchpad being in the left/right corners. Is there a way to move them? for example center them up the top or down. Would love to see similar feature like in classic where using tractor from scenery tab highlight in red benches, lamps for easy delete and pressing on path would delete it all together. Last night I faced this issue the most trying to remove some benches over a water way which resulted in some unforeseen accidents. Excited to join and explore the community. Someone posted here 300+ scenarios the other day. Legend! Not sure how am I going to get those 7+ excitement ratings on the coasters. So far it's been happy little bagghhhhhh!
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