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Everything posted by Wil1131

  1. Is there a special place where I can report bugs/glitches/errors I found in OpenRCT2 (including screenshots of bugs)?
  2. Ok, if that's the case, my amount of time played isn't updating. Or at least not updating all the time, it is stuck at 20 minutes right now.
  3. How does this website keep track how much time you spend in openRCT?And by the way, I think it's not correct either, since I already used openRCT for at least 2 hours.
  4. Wil1131

    Ageing rides.

    Hello everyone,(Second time writing this, first time something went wrong while creating the topic, so if it shows up two times, I'm sorry in advance.)In RollerCoaster and Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 there was a "problem" where rides that past a certain age would lose popularity and guest where unwilling to pay the original price for a ride. Also there would be serious problems with break-downs of rides, resulting in entire parks, thus hours work being thrown away. The original game would make older rides break-down so much, they weren't profitable any longer. An example where this problem occurs is the 7700 guest park, where a trainer is needed to keep the park running. This has to do with the way RCT2 calculates the park rating, but also with older rides breaking down too much and older rides that lost popularity.There are a few reasons why I think this isn't really realistic. One being that in the real world, there are several theme parks where rides are more than 30 years old, and still profitable or popular. Ponypark Slagharen for example has a rollercoaster built in 1979 still running till this day and being the most popular ride in the park. So my idea is:- The loss of popularity and unwillingness of guest to pay a fair price for a ride should be severely nerved compared to the original Rollercoaster Tycoon (2) game (or there should be an option to do so). - The amount of break-downs of a ride past a certain age should be severely nerved (or there should be an option to do so).I think these ideas would be a great addition, "fixing" problems the original game had.Greeting,Wil1131
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