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Everything posted by Wil1131

  1. - 1955With various new attractions added to the park, Willy's World began to take shape:[yt]5-ZxMV4mZrA[/yt]The new wooden mouse ride wasn't that great. The critics though it was rather boring. People visiting the park had a different opinion. They didn't have much to complain about the ride. By the way Rune, any good way of implementing a YouTube video in a forum post?
  2. - 1950 Two new attractions have been added to the park. View imageThe most modern ride was the newly developed Space Ring's ride. Wilfred called the ride Space!.Another new ride was a mill chute ride called: The Sawmill.But trouble started in 1951. When the park got in some financial trouble. The bank refused to give out another loan, and Wilfred was unable to expand the park for several years.
  3. Hamburger Bar is dezelfde vertaling als in de originele RCT en RCT2 spellen.
  4. Correction, that was the case, now it only says closed instead of "gesloten"Example:View image
  5. Another small language bug is the lettering on the ride entrance(path). When the standard name of the ride is in Dutch, the sign on the entrance will say the standard name in english
  6. When it rains and you pause the game, the rain sound effect will continue instead of stop like the rest of the sound effects
  7. And another one:View image
  8. Here's another one:View image
  9. I think the building options for almost all roller coasters are still in English
  10. Here's one example I found: View imageThis is still in English
  11. As far as I know a Co-op multiplayer is in the works.
  12. In the same year (1947) Wilfred decided it would be a good idea to build some food and drink stands. And with extra money he borrowed from the local bank, who still saw the theme park as a great idea he was able to afford to design and build a small wooden roller coaster. The roller coaster was only 600 meters long and experts concluded it was a fairly exciting but slightly rough ride. They rated the excitement at 6.34 and the intensity at a slightly higher 6.64. None of the experts got sick after riding the roller coaster. Wilfred was very proud after he heard the good results. He called the coaster: "The New Age". The brand new roller coaster and the newly built shops:View image
  13. September 1942:In the southern regions of Canada a large part of wilderness is in hands of a rich CEO of a Canadian oil company. Hoping to find oil on the land in times of war, the man searches for 3 years, after concluding there was no oil in the area. At the end of the war, people were seeking enjoyment to cheer themselves up. Wilfred Alberts had the great idea to build a theme park. And he thought the ideal spot for a theme park was the failed oil project terrain. The terrain was sold to Wilfred for a very low price.In 1947 he got a 5000 dollar loan from a local bank, who saw some potential in the project. Thinking they could get all the money back with high interest. Wilfred named the park: Willy's World.The first picture of Willy's World:View image
  14. Second language issue:View imageWhy is one shortend (Max. snlhd)And the other not? (Min. snelheid)
  15. All translation issue's I've come across:View imagePicture says it all really, misselijkheid and wc-behoefte don't fit...I'll post other language problems once I find them.
  16. Wil1131

    Campaign mode

    Actually, it would be best if campaign mode is exactly the same as RollerCoaster Tycoon 1. The main difference is ofcourse, in the main menu of OpenRCT2, you can choose between "Campaign" and "SandBox" And once you successfully finished a campaign map, only then it would be available in sandbox mode.
  17. Wil1131

    Campaign mode

    In the original RollerCoaster Tycoon, it was all about finishing and completing scenario goals to unlock new scenario's. Maybe it's a good idea to implement this into OpenRCT2. Instead of only sandbox, being able to do the campaign mode as well. Unlocking scenarios by completing scenario's. So there is some more challenge to the game. And of course, the further you get the more difficult the scenarios become.It was actually the only thing I thought was missing in RollerCoaster Tycoon 2.
  18. There is one game crashing bug in the scenario editor. - The bug appeared when trying to do this (see picture):View imageWhen you drag something from the top box to the bottom box and place it in between other rides, it's fine. But once you try to drag it into the grey area under the rides, the game will crash. I tried it several times, and the game continues to crash.Also the scroll bar in the lower box doesn't seem to work, or the box just doesn't extend.Screen:View imageAnother bug appears when I try to run the scenario after building it. In this case the game also crashes. (scenario goal: have fun!)Changing the scenario goal didn't work either. To see if the game also crashes when all values are kept at normal, except for the park entrance, peep spawn and park itself of course, I tried to make another scenario. This time, the scenario loaded perfectly...I tried it again, this time saving the landscape and closing the game once, before continuing. This time it also worked.I can't simulate the problem again, but there must have gone something wrong while making the first scenario, for it to become corrupted.
  19. Actually, the balloon stand item is listed twice after each other, the second one is only not-clickable. The first one is clickable:View image
  20. Title says it all actually, I am unable to select the balloon stand from the attractions list in the scenario editor.
  21. The colors of the items guests are carrying aren't correct, for example the umbrella in the picture is supposed to be colored different and the hat is actually white instead of black.Screenshot to make things clear:View imageSee how the hat is actually white in the top right color, and the umbrella can't be black, since I don't sell black umbrella's in the park.
  22. Ok, I'll post new bugs in separate topics.
  23. To clarify this post (since there is no edit funtion) The problem is, the secundairy color of the canvas roof can not be changed. It will always be black by default. Clearly orange is selected in the color selection menu.
  24. Ok, so I'll be posting the issue's I found right here, since I don't have a GitHub account. Maybe it's an idea to change the topic title to bugs/issue's, to prevent a spam of topics. View image
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