I simply don't understand how to get the file paths needed to extract the game files from the retail CD on Linux Mint.
The instructions say
Retail CD version
If you have the retail installer, you'll need unshield to extract it. There may be a package available for your distribution, or build from source (grab the source from the link, then run cmake . && make).
Once you have unshield, run the following commands, replacing PATH-TO-EXTRACT-FILES-TO and INSTALLER-LOCATION appropriately.
unshield -g Minimum -d "PATH-TO-EXTRACT-FILES-TO" x "INSTALLER-LOCATION/data1.hdr"
cp -R "$INSTALLDIR/Data/" "$EXTRACTDIR/Minimum/Data"
I have unshield installed and when I tried putting what I thought the file paths were into the terminal it only extracted 117MB of data to the folder then gave me an error.
I have looked for a video tutorial and searched for info, but I'm stumped. Does this even work on Linux or should I just give up?
There is also no mention on how to extract the expansion pack files either.
I can download Open RCT2 from the Linux mint software manager, so I assume it works on Linux, but I haven't got that far yet, as I can't figure out how to get the files extracted from the CD.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks :)