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  1. Well that's unfortunate that you are not providing updates anymore. I wont be updating my OS until it becomes end of life, as upgrading to the newly released mint 22 will require a full clean install that I can't bring myself to do right now. I will abandon open RCT2 for the foreseeable future as updating a still supported OS just to play one game is not worth the effort. Thanks for the eventual reply.
  2. I'm running: Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy I added the PPA for Ubuntu sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openrct2/nightly I was getting daily updates in my update manager, but since the current update that broke my save game there hasn't been any more updates coming through for some reason. I believe 0.4.14 is out now, but I'm still on 0.4.13 as the new update has not come though. I have had the game installed for over a year, maybe 2 years without issues. It's only this one save file that seems to crash, as other saves seem to be fine, or at least don't crash in the first 5 minutes of testing after opening them. I'm not 100% sure, but the crashes seem to happen when looking at the area of the park near the wooden hybrid coaster.
  3. Is there really no way of troubleshooting my save game? Are there no log files that would give some clue to what the problem is?
  4. OpenRCT2, v0.4.13(,DEBUG) Linux (x86-64) My save game will crash after a few second to a minute after loading. It was working fine on the previous version. The game just quits to desktop with no warning. I do have some cheats in use in the save, and wondering if the changes to the cheats window has broken some things? Any troubleshooting steps would be great. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the reply, I added the repository but there is nothing showing up to download. At first it was telling me I didnt have an internet connection. So I switched to a different mirror and was able to get a little further, but when I try and open the PPA there is nothing in the master to download. The nightly PPA has a install option but not the master. Not sure whats going on to be honest.
  6. I want to add the game to the software sources on Linux Mint so it will update with my systems update manager. I found this command to enter into the terminal sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openrct2/nightly sudo apt update The thing is I would rather not have nightly updates but just the release version that is updated less frequently. Is there a command for that version? Thanks for any info
  7. I assume there is meant to be text in this giant window that opened when I launched the game after updating it?
  8. Yes that is the issue we are explaining. I am pressing the Construction button in order to modify the shop. Then the only option is to demolish the shop in order to relocate it, but the original shop does not get demolished, resulting in duplicates. The demolish button should remove the first instance of the shop so you can then relocate it to a new location. EDIT: I just updated the game and it seems to be fixed on initial inspection.
  9. You have too much stuff selected. Remove some you don't need in order to enable the ones you do want. I know its hard to cherry pick the stuff you want because you want all of it lol I think in the distant future they will remove these limits, but it will take a lot of work to accomplish, so we are in for a long wait. I would love to be able to have everything available at the same time too.
  10. The items you are looking for are in the scenery tab. (providing its available in the scenario you are playing) Just select the item and hover your mouse on the ground where you want it, then hold shift and move mouse forward to raise it to the desired height. Click to place item. Watching the video I posted will give you all the controls needed to make placing scenery easier.
  11. As I haven't seen the videos you are referring to I am just guessing, but I think they are just picking a scenery item from the menu and placing it in the park. There are some supports in the scenery if the scenario you are playing has them. If that's not the case then please provide more info This is a good video for learning scenery placing tips
  12. I can replicate this too. Here is a quick video showing the issue. I managed to duplicate 4 shops before it gave an error. Then deleting any one of the shops removes them all. Each shop will bring up the same window and not a new window for each shop. EDIT: Game Version: V0.3.4.1(,debug) (linux x86-64) 2021-10-18 13-10-48.mp4
  13. In options on the tab with the gears, tick cheats. Then you will see a new button with a spade on it in the game.
  14. Thanks for the very helpful info, Those files don't seem to be there. I extracted the main game again into a new folder and I still can't seem to find them. I'm wondering if I should try installing the disks with wine again instead. I have a feeling I will be able to point Openrct2 at the wine folder now I don't have the broken version of Openrct2. What do you recommend? EDIT: I installed the base game via wine and found a heap of audio files, more than listed above. I copied them all over and it seems to have fixed it. I have no idea why unshield didn't extract them. The only audio file unshield extracted was CSS2.DAT. Anyway it seems to be good now, though I haven't fully tested everything, but the dodgems has its iconic beats now at least. Thanks once again!
  15. The nostalgia is great! I love it! Shame the ride music isn't working though. I guess the music files didn't come across. So maybe I didn't do it quite right. All the other games sounds seem to be there though.
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